Dreams Meanings Starting with L

Search meanings of Dreams

  • L Letter

    The L letter in a dream expresses the freedom, the longevity and the look to the future before confrontations of the life...

  • Label

    To dream that you are putting a label has more than enough articles it insinuates that your life is in confusion or that you have to find the stability and the security in your life with a person that always accompanies to you...

  • Labor

    To dream of being labor means necessary matters and of great importance that they allow to eat, to drink and to dress fundamentally...

  • Laboratory

    Dreaming of to stay in a laboratory is represented the appearance of something novel, incredible and necessary for all the people...

  • Labyrinth

    Dreaming of a labyrinth means an overabundance of complexities throughout your life...

  • Lace

    To dream of a lace represents messes, problems and near setbacks of difficult solution...

  • Lacrosse

    Dreaming of playing to the lacrosse is expressed moments of good will among friends or to solve a simple conflict just by good actions...

  • Lactation

    The lactation symbolizes strong protection or care due to weak health...

  • Ladder

    To dream of a ladder means that they exist is roads of difficult access that you need to discover...

  • Ladle

    To dream of a ladle represents the happiness and the sense of the family integrity that you experienced from small with your grandparents...

  • Lady

    To dream of a lady represents the sensibility and the fineness in taking the things as well as to be noticed or recognized by your education and good pleasure...

  • Ladybug

    To dream of a ladybug represents the good fortune, the prosperity and the quality of your soul when carrying out a good work...

  • Ladybugs

    To dream of ladybugs represents the ideas that arise of quick way or the feelings that you have on something simple, pleasant and human as indicators of maturity...

  • Lagoon

    To dream of a lagoon generally symbolizes our state in the mood...

  • Lake

    To dream of a lake symbolizes your condition emotional current, the humor sense of somebody very stressed that needs of the tranquility and the peace...

  • Lamb

    To dream of a lamb represents humility, surrenders without limits or to go to give disinterested help to all person needs...

  • Lamborghini

    To dream of a Lamborghini represents to the person, taking of decisions and their necessities...

  • Lambskin

    To dream of the lambskin represents a matter of your life that it needs protection or a very noble and passive attitude that it provokes many problems...

  • Lame

    To dream of a lame represents the disillusions in achieving your hopes, desires and ideas for long time without positive results...

  • Lament

    The lament in a dream is sign of extreme poverty that you will confront very soon and that it will solve with an intelligent idea...

  • Lamp

    To dream of a lamp represents the orientation, the optimism, the inspiration, the illustration, and the comfort before the situations of the life...

  • Lamppost

    To see a lamppost in your dream demonstrates that light needs to be shed on some dull circumstance...

  • Lampshade

    To dream of a lampshade represents the handling of a situation from necessity, security or comfort for their best use...

  • Lanai

    Dreaming of a lanai in a very high building a strong personal crisis is omened by very important reasons of envy when affecting your relationship with a friend or very near colleague...

  • Lance

    To dream of a lance symbolizes the initiative and the determination in the persecution of a complicated objective that will stay during a time...

  • Land

    To dream of the land where one is born it means protection and good luck...

  • Land Mine

    Free online dream interpretation of Land Mine. Understand the meaning of Land Mine in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Land Mine dream.

  • Landau

    To dream of a landau thrown by two very big horses means an encounter or a visit to somebody very wise during an unexpected trip...

  • Landing

    Dreaming of being landing in an unknown place seeks advice calm, patience and observation when trying to consummate a task or arrangement...

  • Landlord

    To dream of a landlord represents the vicinity of something or somebody that will try to control, to supervise and to manipulate your steps and actions daily...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 246

L Letter, Label, Labor, Laboratory, Labyrinth, Lace, Lacrosse, Lactation, Ladder, Ladle, Lady, Ladybug, Ladybugs, Lagoon, Lake, Lamb, Lamborghini, Lambskin, Lame, Lament, Lamp, Lamppost, Lampshade, Lanai, Lance, Land, Land Mine, Landau, Landing, Landlord, Dreams Meanings Starting with L

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.