Dreams Meanings Symbols between Laundromat and Lecture

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Laundromat

    A laundromat in a dream symbolizes a necessity or a desire of satisfaction of matters or things that you will be able to improve its situation undoubtedly...

  • Laundry

    Dreaming of a laundry the intention is symbolized of to clean or to improve your image for the pressure of the friendships and relatives...

  • Laundry Chute

    To see a laundry chute in your dream proposes that you are not permitting others manage how your ought to look or act...

  • Laurel

    To use an object like a crown of laurel in a dream it represents the victory, the leadership and the control on everything or everybody...

  • Lava

    To dream of the lava symbolizes expression of emotions without limits and without any contention type, particularly the love and the friendship...

  • Lava Lamp

    To dream of a lava lamp means the proximity of a desire, the serenity of the behavior before a danger or the lack of a good orientation of the senses before something not clear...

  • Lavender

    Dreaming of the lavender flower is omened that you should visit your masseur to avoid the fatigue and the stress after hard days of work...

  • Law

    To dream of the law means the application of behavior codes to complete at this time in your family...

  • Law (Studying)

    Dreaming of the law as social science is represented the attention, incumbency or the uneasiness on an unjust performance against a person...

  • Law School

    To dream of the law school represents a high grade of understanding of a focus or arrangement of a problem of your work or house...

  • Lawn

    Dreaming of the lawn of your garden the realization of a commercial operation is omened that will show the professional quality of your colleagues and your capacity of winning with intelligence...

  • Lawn Mower

    To dream of a lawn mower indicates the necessity to deviate your negative ideas in something more acceptable and more productive...

  • Lawsuits

    Dreaming of lawsuits of a labor process omens that you will have economic offers or of business that you are little you would be, for what should be careful...

  • Lawyer

    To dream of a lawyer represent that you will have a proposal of advantageous business at the end of the month...

  • Laxative

    To dream of Laxative demonstrates that the astringent can not be dodged, but rather guarantees the change of the current circumstance...

  • Lazy

    To dream of a lazy one means lack of will and enthusiasm to undertake a task in your life...

  • Lead

    To dream of the lead of a toy or decoration means a problem or situation with high complexity or a matter very difficult of solving for the nuisances that it causes...

  • Leader

    To dream of a leader always symbolizes loyalty, humility, example, clarity and respect to most maintaining capacity and capacity in the address of the things...

  • Leaflets

    To dream of leaflets represents the premonition of a person or situation in your life that it wants you to be about making something complex in a very rigid way...

  • Leak

    To dream of a leak symbolizes a great loss that it will be able to bring the misery or the necessity for easiness or abandonment...

  • Leaks

    To dream of escapes of gases or liquids as leaks or flights of gas points out losses, disillusions or frustrations that can deviate your objectives toward the work or family...

  • Leaning

    To dream of leaning to the game by money or to the games of chance it demonstrates lack of the psychological balance of you before important aspects of the life...

  • Leaping

    To dream of being leaping on an object means that you will end up achieving your objectives winner all the obstacles...

  • Learn

    Dreaming of learn how to be read omens the modification of abilities and dexterities at the moment in the directions of your company...

  • Leash

    To dream of a leash suggests domain, control and power has more than enough matters, problems or things of the daily life that you face in the day by day...

  • Leather

    Dreaming of the leather is demonstrated the robustness, the tenacity and the force of the nature and the words...

  • Leather Jacket

    When it is dream of a leather jacket used by James Dean or Tom Cruise it should be had a powerful imagination...

  • Leaves

    To dream of leaves given by responsible people means the hope recently discovered to improve and to enrich each facet in your life...

  • Leaving

    To dream on time of a leaving is means that it is provident before possible near difficulties...

  • Lecture

    To dream of a lecture has more than enough economy it means that it should revise your finances, because you are not clear of you mount at this time of your utilities...

Dreams 61 - 90 of 246

Laundromat, Laundry, Laundry Chute, Laurel, Lava, Lava Lamp, Lavender, Law, Law (Studying), Law School, Lawn, Lawn Mower, Lawsuits, Lawyer, Laxative, Lazy, Lead, Leader, Leaflets, Leak, Leaks, Leaning, Leaping, Learn, Leash, Leather, Leather Jacket, Leaves, Leaving, Lecture, Dreams Meanings Starting with L

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.