Dreams Meanings Symbols between Letter and Light Fixture

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Letter

    To dream of receiving a letter from a person wanted means the announcement of good news in an immediate future...

  • Letters

    Dreaming of letters of love received for years is omened good results in the utilities of your company in the current semester...

  • Lettuce

    To dream of a lettuce indicates freshness, calms down and an experience of identity and euphoria that it will elevate your self-esteem largely...

  • Leveler

    Dreaming of the social leveler a situation is omened where people have the same rights and the same opportunities in a certain aspect...

  • Levitating

    To dream of seeing somebody levitating represents positive premonitions, situation that you are solved or incredible matters that return quickly to the normality...

  • Levitation

    To dream that you are in levitation means that you are having problems and that need to be liberated of your ideas, stress and daily tensions not very conventional...

  • Liar

    To dream of a liar it represents a nuisance, a concern or a displeasure that it should be identified, to face and to neutralize...

  • Libra

    A dream with Libra symbolizes a desire to look for balance between you and your desires in your home or of strengthening your position inside the company...

  • Librarian

    A librarian in a dream points out the presence of a person that will give you work and knowledge and will be as a guide for yourself...

  • Library

    To dream that you are in the library means your search of knowledge and experiences to obtain your truth in the life...

  • Lice

    To dream of the lice indicates the guilt, the concern, the depression or the easiness has more than enough matters related with the hygiene personal and familiar...

  • License

    To dream of a license to build means security, trust and total fidelity in an operation...

  • License Plate

    Dreaming of a license plate is omened that you should pay attention to all that passes around to your...

  • Lick

    To dream of being lick something means your ability to revise new projects and situations carefully before beginning their execution...

  • Licorice

    The licorice in a dream represents to feel nostalgia for the childhood, a connection to strengthen the encouragement and to improve the health...

  • Licorice Candy

    Dreaming with licorice candy implies that you are appreciating the great things of life...

  • Lids

    To dream of some lids represents control, moderation or to control situations where you will show the domain of something or somebody...

  • Lie

    Dreaming of a lie that somebody expressed it is represented the approval and the achievement of a well planned and human goal in your life...

  • Lie Detector

    Dreaming of a lie detector is omened that people that are it in appearances exist reliable, but in fact you are not it...

  • Life Jacket

    To dream that you are wearing a life jacket represents necessity of help, self-protection will and disposition of helping to all human being...

  • Life Review

    To dream of a life review represents the exploration of your decisions or attitudes in your person's aspects for long time...

  • Life Saver

    To dream of a life saver of a fire means that it is going by a complicated stage and it is necessary to have friends' help or relatives to be able to leave her...

  • Lifeboat

    To see a lifeboat in your dream indicates orientation necessity in your life, to save friendships or traditions of your family or to process the emotions appropriately...

  • Lifeguard

    To dream of a lifeguard means conduct that capably keeps others from going over the edge or getting to be overpowered by a questionable circumstance...

  • Lifeguards

    To dream of lifeguards means the solution for a group of experts of difficulties or breaks in a technical complex situation in a very well-known place...

  • Lift

    To dream of lift a weight means to overcome a complex situation without help of anybody or to achieve an obtained private success of principle to end...

  • Lifted

    Dreaming of lifted the spirit is predicted that it is crossing for an uncomfortable situation that maintains it anxious and attempt...

  • Light

    Dreaming of the light of the sun is alerted the arrival of something very wanted in your family...

  • Light Bulb

    To dream of a light bulb indicates elaboration of a great idea or invention, as well as the disposition of a person to face a difficult reality psychologically...

  • Light Fixture

    To dream of a light fixture represents a stable situation, to maintain the calm before a complex problem or to be willing to give help in all moment...

Dreams 121 - 150 of 246

Letter, Letters, Lettuce, Leveler, Levitating, Levitation, Liar, Libra, Librarian, Library, Lice, License, License Plate, Lick, Licorice, Licorice Candy, Lids, Lie, Lie Detector, Life Jacket, Life Review, Life Saver, Lifeboat, Lifeguard, Lifeguards, Lift, Lifted, Light, Light Bulb, Light Fixture, Dreams Meanings Starting with L

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.