Dreams Meanings Symbols between Lighter and Liquor Store
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The dream with a lighter manifests use possible and moderate of power and control...
To dream of a lighthouse symbolizes your trip for it achieves something, your orientation to guide and to illustrate your judgment and tribulations on something to obtain...
Dreaming of a lightning amid the night is omened that it will face a strong managerial competition inside your company next year...
To dream of a lilac demonstrates the pain and the rejection, the kindness and the good pleasure without excesses that make complex everything additionally...
To dream of a lily means the calm, the spirituality, the pleasure, and the personal satisfaction about something or somebody mainly...
Lily Pad
To dream of a lily pad represents the sagacity, the trust, the intrepidity and the purity of your actions or relationships...
To dream of the lack of a limb in your body means absence of determination and anger to face the difficulties that approach...
To dream of a lime suggests that you will experience ephemeral and tense difficulties that will be all overcome by you with the time...
To dream of limes represents freshness, health, youth and warm summer...
To dream of a limousine means a behavior conceited and egocentric future...
Dreaming of somebody that is limping is omened a strong unpleasant experience in the business, the happiness or the health...
To dream of a linden tea always means tender fidelity and symbol of friendship in your existence...
Dreaming of a direct line of railroad is noticed arrival of something very had wanted for a long time by your person...
To dream of the linen represents an action clean, healing and creative that solves a necessity or it allows obtaining a very simple and beautiful thing...
To dream of the lingerie means your sexual orientation, preferences more intimate or the auto-image that you possess of your acts...
Lingerie Store
To dream of visiting a lingerie store symbolizes a sexual near atmosphere, an erotic next moment or a loving encounter unforgettable...
To dream of a link means the relationship or the strong bond with something or with somebody that assures many matters related with the real or digital existence...
To dream of the lint represents a bothersome but brief illness as a cold or flu or an irritating flaw that it will distract you during a time...
Lion Tamer
Dreaming of a lion tamer is predicted that the topic or problem that you worry it is not important or interesting in fact...
To dream of a lioness symbolizes the leadership, the maternity and the force to educate the family in an exemplary way and with all the pushes possible of the soul...
Dreaming of lions sleeping to the shade of a tree is alerted the protective feeling, defender and of fondness that feels at the moment toward your family...
Lip Balm
The lip balm in a dream symbolizes preparations for a romantic encounter or an almost secret appointment among lovers with a long relationship...
Lip Gloss
If you observe a lip gloss in a dream it indicates desire of being done with admiration, of being the visual and verbal objective for him and for her...
Lip Synching
To dream of the lip synching means health, push and perseverance for the daily things as the payment of the rent, of the checks or the personal hygiene...
To dream that you have liposuction means your distraction with your physical shape and appearance...
To dream of the lips symbolizes the love, the attractive, the sex and the romanticism of each word or each action manifested by a near person to you...
It is considered to dream positively of a lipstick when it is represented in alive and clear colors, advancing a next high sexual indulgence with your stable couple or with a love affair wanted...
To dream of a liquid means the fluency of a pleasant situation in the work or in their daily life without any limitation or unpleasant emotion...
To dream of a liquor represents the situation in your life where you could have a good time with the power, the danger or the adventure planned...
Liquor Store
To dream of liquor store represents a premonition of temptation, of give to the conscience of breaking the rules or of fearing the rupture of the measure or of the law...
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