Dreams Meanings Symbols between Repairs and Return

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Repairs

    To dream of repairs of televisions means the existence of your qualities and capacities to confront the complex situations that are presented in your daily life...

  • Repeat

    Dreaming of the repeat of a word or a noise is indicated some alert message that you will remember in the mind...

  • Repeating

    To dream of people that are repeating a quotation could represent the arrival of something annoying to your life...

  • Repent

    To dream of being repent of an action or of a decision it means the necessity to recognize your previous mistakes and to learn of other people...

  • Replacement

    Dreaming of the replacement of something or of somebody it seeks advice to take changes correctly and in a gradual way...

  • Replay

    Dreaming of the replay of a game of volleyball is omened a new application of work or task very beneficial...

  • Report Card

    To dream of a report card represents a sign of how well has functioned a situation that you assist or assisted recently...

  • Reporter

    To dream of a television reporter means unexpected and surprising changes soon in your life...

  • Reprieve

    Dreaming of a reprieve is omened a mandatory premonition of a future personal situation that could motivate to your conscience to be involved to compete and to win in the professional thing...

  • Reproductive System

    To see or to touch the reproductive system of a human being in a dream means the premonition of a new project of work or of a new relationship in the life...

  • Reptile

    To dream of a reptile means diverse readings, as being able to negative and provocation to the no established...

  • Reptiles

    To see reptiles in your dream symbolizes fear, care or attention to the things that you frequently forget to depend on another person...

  • Reptilian Aliens

    Reptilian aliens in your dream symbolize to act careful in way sap maintaining authoritarian people's distance...

  • Reputation

    To dream of having a positive reputation it represents the proximity of events that they will put on approval your behavior and education before the other ones...

  • Rescue

    Dreaming of a rescue is expressed the opportunity of saving to a colleague of the ruin or the bankruptcy...

  • Rescuing

    To dream of rescuing very useful plants in the kitchen means your concern for the health and the good one to eat of your family...

  • Reservoir

    To dream of a reservoir of water it means emotions repressed or contained by long years by familiar prejudices...

  • Resign

    To dream of resign with something means to accept the error or the failure of an effort without results or to admit something that it has defrauded you to be imprudent it...

  • Resort

    To dream that you are in a resort is sign of necessity of rest, of a high state of personal stress at the moment...

  • Restaurant

    To dream that you are in a restaurant symbolizes your current state of health, the quality of life that possesses and your economic prosperity particularly...

  • Restrained

    To dream that you are moderate, it is a manifestation of the true situations in those that their emotions and opinions are inside yourself...

  • Resume

    To dream of a resume symbolizes introspection and self-analysis, fullness of capacities and of yield in the work and true sense of the duty in the face of the life...

  • Resurrection

    To dream of the resurrection of somebody indicates to reborn, to resurge or to get up in a complex or difficult situation that you will be able to transform completely...

  • Resuscitate

    To dream of resuscitate your dear mascot means that you have good possibilities to avoid a failure in your professional life...

  • Retainer

    To dream of the expense of a retainer represents to maintain the services, the status and the taxes at all cost during long time...

  • Retaining Walls

    To dream of retaining walls of stones to make divisions of lands means security, trust and total fidelity in an operation...

  • Retarded

    To dream of a retarded mental it indicates lack of security or fear in a person when facing something that considers harmful or conflicting...

  • Retired

    To dream of being retired represents to maintain old habits, a lifestyle of the family of the past or to avoid all that breaks your tranquility current daily...

  • Retreat

    Dreaming of a retreat of a place is omened the necessity of to retract and to meditate about something not well fact in your family last week...

  • Return

    Dreaming of somebody or something that returns is omened a psychological complex state in a relative or near friend...

Dreams 121 - 150 of 255

Repairs, Repeat, Repeating, Repent, Replacement, Replay, Report Card, Reporter, Reprieve, Reproductive System, Reptile, Reptiles, Reptilian Aliens, Reputation, Rescue, Rescuing, Reservoir, Resign, Resort, Restaurant, Restrained, Resume, Resurrection, Resuscitate, Retainer, Retaining Walls, Retarded, Retired, Retreat, Return, Dreams Meanings Starting with R

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.