Dreams Meanings Starting with W

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  • W Letter

    The W letter a dream expresses the imbalance, the force and the energy of people when they solve a situation that is outside of control or unstable...

  • Wadding

    To dream of the wadding means the personal power of uniting resisting or persevering on two or more complex matters in an area of your life...

  • Wading

    To dream of being wading a river represents the aptitude, the luck and the love in the work actions that are of high complexity...

  • Wafers

    To dream of wafers is a sign of matters of the heart solved, of support to who needs it and to sustain the fondness like of a baby before all...

  • Waffle

    To dream of a waffle represents a desire or a necessity of your identity and family formation in a natural and cheerful way...

  • Waffles

    To dream of waffles represents the well that you can feel when solving a difficult situation that displeases to your family...

  • Wager

    Dreaming of a wager in the poker is omened the loss of money by lack of wisdom when managing your matters...

  • Wages

    To dream of the wages of the workers of a factory means that some of your friendships abused of your trust for problems of money...

  • Wagon

    To dream of a wagon demonstrates to be able to say something important, to solve a problem in your work or to visit a place in the near future...

  • Wagtail

    To see a wagtail singing in a river means a not very convincing play of a colleague on a work responsibility...

  • Waif

    To dream of a waif or orphan is a symbol of the prosperity, the abundance and the fortune that you could obtain if it maintains a calm life with your family...

  • Wail

    A long and strong wail in a dream means a warning or a notice of something dangerous, tense or difficult that could happen in little time...

  • Waist

    To dream of the waist represents the arrival of a moment important and transformer full with pleasant efforts and with many fruits...

  • Waiter

    To dream of a waiter points out desires to serve a friend in difficulties or to take off a matter above you...

  • Waiting

    To dream about which you are waiting, you can foresee a great future event in which you will take an important decision that will benefit you...

  • Waiting Room

    To dream that you are in a waiting room suggests the arrival of some good, positive and prospers for you and your family...

  • Waitress

    To dream of a waitress it is needed a lot of patience for to be able to decipher what she communicates in her expressions or words...

  • Wake

    To dream of wake means the announcement of some news sad or painful that it should be managed with much care...

  • Walkie Talkie

    To dream of a walkie talkie or portable receiver-transmitter implies isolation, desire of to express something or to alert of a matter, conflict or problem...

  • Walking

    You can be walking alone during a dream what it represents to maintain the willpower in the obtaining of your objectives...

  • Walking Stick

    Dreaming of a walking stick or inclining in one, implies that in a period when a great deal of help and understanding from the individuals who need it most...

  • Walkman

    To dream of a walkman demonstrates a necessity to obtain something necessary or the desire of more space and peace to feel better with yourself...

  • Wall Street

    To dream of Wall Street means competition, efficiency and capacity to develop commercial and mercantile activities...

  • Wallaby

    To dream of some ualabíes represents to need a change, to achieve a jump or power to defend quickly of a matter that is trying to impede the march of your private or public life...

  • Wallet

    To dream of a wallet it means that you should be more rigorous in the control of your finances at this time...

  • Wallpaper

    To dream of the wallpaper represents to think in a defensive way, to remain alert of all strange or aggressively of other people against you...

  • Walls

    To dream of colored walls of target means that something that stops it exists and it hinders your steps in your professional career...

  • Walmart

    To dream of Walmart represents free election of paying well for the good thing or the best alternative with credit or debit available...

  • Walnut

    To dream of a walnut is a representation symbolic of your mental sharpness, of your firm and constant temperament although kind and cooperative...

  • Walnuts

    To dream of the walnuts represents something hard to win but that it rewards the effort, an objective of the life that is not easy and that it lifts enough noise...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 212

W Letter, Wadding, Wading, Wafers, Waffle, Waffles, Wager, Wages, Wagon, Wagtail, Waif, Wail, Waist, Waiter, Waiting, Waiting Room, Waitress, Wake, Walkie Talkie, Walking, Walking Stick, Walkman, Wall Street, Wallaby, Wallet, Wallpaper, Walls, Walmart, Walnut, Walnuts, Dreams Meanings Starting with W

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.