Dreams Meanings Symbols between Winter and Worms

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Winter

    To dream of a festival winter night means a sign of a spontaneous and positive change to get something very wanted in your life...

  • Winter Coat

    The winter coat may mean in your dream that you are not doling any privileged insights out, not demonstrating closeness or weakness...

  • Wire

    Dreaming of a wire is represented the connection of a brief trip for your work or the protection of a work carried out in the house...

  • Wire Transfer

    To dream of a wire transfer that he receives from very far it means a separation or a brief absence...

  • Wisdom Teeth

    Dreaming of wisdom teeth is represented an experience that will offer you big happiness and big knowledge...

  • Wise

    Dreaming of a wise is represented the proximity of an encounter or an experience that it will offer you a learned, incredible or astonishing experience...

  • Wish

    To dream of a wish is contradictory and complex because it can refer to the wanted desires or that desires already materialized...

  • Wishbone

    To dream that you get a wishbone, recommends that destiny is on your side in what you manage...

  • Witch

    To dream of a witch symbolizes the force of the magic, of the witchcraft, of a personal doubt or of the feminine sex to be very capable and without prejudice...

  • Witch / Warlock

    Dreaming of a witch or warlock is ahead a sign of danger for people affected by some illness or debt...

  • Witchcraft

    To have a dream related with the witchcraft it represents that somebody or something is trying to manipulate or to make damage to you...

  • Wizard

    Dreaming wizard, alarms, not careless notwithstanding her good fortunes and how well things are going, in light of the fact that somebody could cheat and lead to issues...

  • Woke

    Dreaming of woke up makes reference to your process of recovery for something sad that has made you lose in something the self-esteem...

  • Wolf

    The wolf is often a symbol of the necessity of elevating our human qualities and professionals toward levels superiors...

  • Wolves

    Dreaming of wolves is omened the arrival of difficult times as scarcity, aggressions and injustices in your native city...

  • Woman

    Dreaming of a friend woman is foreseen the approach of somebody unknown that wants to make you an interesting proposal...

  • Wombats

    To dream of some wombats walking for the patio of your house means a conflict or problem with a company or rash and dangerous individual for your low and illegal methods...

  • Won Ton

    To see or to eat won ton in a dream symbolizes the friendship, the familiarity and the companionship in next events...

  • Wonderland

    To dream of the wonderland means the development of moments difficult to believe but that you should interpret and to transform...

  • Wood

    Free online dream interpretation of Wood. Understand the meaning of Wood in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Wood dream.

  • Wood Pile

    To dream of a wood pile represents saving of energies, care of the patrimony or satisfaction for something reached by the family and the work...

  • Wooden Shoe

    A wooden shoe seen in a dream is a representation of the protection, the necessity of help or the fidelity to all human feeling positive...

  • Woodpecker

    To dream of a woodpecker represents to take the life requesting to the heaven, to be diligent and creative for yourself...

  • Woods

    Dreaming of woods used for the size is predicted the arrival of a financial help or an unexpected and valuable visit...

  • Wool

    To dream of the wool of a clothes is represented the protection, the care, the softness and the warmness of the best love or the protection of relatives, friends or other dear beings...

  • Work

    To think and to dream of work as word or term is wide; hence, to dream of work is symbol of creation and dependence, necessity and spontaneity, freedom and slavery...

  • Workman

    Dreaming of a workman is expressed the necessity of to occupy your time or to need of a work to have food and roof urgently...

  • Workshop

    Dreaming of a workshop is represented an opportunity that will allow to develop or to perfect the dexterity in diverse activities...

  • Worm

    To dream of a worm represents the way to feel your state of spirit current it is perceived at the moment pressed by something or somebody...

  • Worms

    Free online dream interpretation of Worms. Understand the meaning of Worms in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Worms dream.

Dreams 181 - 210 of 212

Winter, Winter Coat, Wire, Wire Transfer, Wisdom Teeth, Wise, Wish, Wishbone, Witch, Witch / Warlock, Witchcraft, Wizard, Woke, Wolf, Wolves, Woman, Wombats, Won Ton, Wonderland, Wood, Wood Pile, Wooden Shoe, Woodpecker, Woods, Wool, Work, Workman, Workshop, Worm, Worms, Dreams Meanings Starting with W

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.