Dreams Meanings Symbols between Virgo and Vulnerability

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Virgo

    To see a Virgo in a dream symbolizes the features of this sign like the caution, the perfectionism and the moral rules elevated...

  • Virus

    To dream of a virus in the children means uncontrollable matters that frustrate it for the problems that it causes...

  • Visa

    To dream of student's visa for a trip means the exit permission that you need to achieve a satisfactory exchange of professional experience...

  • Vise

    To dream of to use or to see a vise represents the limits or the difficulties that it will present for an unexpected matter that you have to stop and to eliminate...

  • Vishnu

    Vishnu in a dream symbolizes the truth, the pity, the compassion, the love and the grace of the Universe in its full balance...

  • Vision

    To dream of something that affects the vision means a problem, a difficulty or a limitation that you will face naturally...

  • Visit

    To dream of a visit to the house of your parents means the necessity to be related at the moment with other people...

  • Visitor

    To dream of a visit is a sure omen of something positive that it will call to the prosperity, to the health and the peace generally...

  • Vitamins

    To dream of to take or to see vitamins symbolizes the necessity of something, the urgency of help or a sign of alert of the physical body for the weak nature or of current low self-esteem...

  • Vodka

    To dream of vodka represents to hit to clarify something with brutal force or to want something that will make it feel you well today...

  • Voice Mail

    A voice mail in a dream represents a message of advice, the arrival of a good omen or the confirmation of support of a great friendship...

  • Voiceless

    To dream of a voiceless is a sign of a doubt or an insecure action of a person has lost its orientation like free and creative individual...

  • Voices

    To dream of voices that are listened calmed or pleasant it means the proximity of encounters or meetings that they will offer you ideas or very useful resources...

  • Volcano

    To dream of a volcano in eruption means a direct contact with problem or span conflict, risky and tighten...

  • Volleyball

    To dream that you are playing volleyball indicates the confrontation at difficult times or to specify complex decisions that can affect many people...

  • Volume

    To dream of the high volume of a radius near your hearing means contamination of the environment and personal nuisances...

  • Volunteer

    Dreaming of a volunteer work in your factory is omened your support in the natural medicine to solve your current suffering...

  • Vomiting

    To dream that you are vomiting is a real track that something unpleasant or fixed will happen near you or in yourself...

  • Voodoo

    The dream with the voodoo, especially if you are in a ritual of this religion, it is a sign of contact and communication with the world of the dead and of the oldest conscience of Africa...

  • Vote

    Dreaming of making the vote is represented the sign of acceptance or rejection of something that they will propose you soon...

  • Voting

    To dream of being voting for a wanted candidate means the arrival of problems, conflicts or complex litigations of solving in a peaceful way...

  • Voucher

    To dream of a voucher indicates that there are people around you that they trust you with the closed eyes and that they are willing to collaborate in your matters...

  • Vow

    Dreaming of emitting a vote is omened an unexpected situation of change for your family next week...

  • Voyage

    To dream of a voyage omens great luck or fortune when one generally enjoys with many colors and details...

  • Voyeurism

    The voyeurism in a dream is something very typical in people that come them intimacy damaged by other people or that they face the fear to them unsatisfied own sexual necessities...

  • Vulnerability

    To dream of the vulnerability of your feelings means emotion of solitude and sadness that make it weak before your rivals...

Dreams 91 - 116 of 116

Virgo, Virus, Visa, Vise, Vishnu, Vision, Visit, Visitor, Vitamins, Vodka, Voice Mail, Voiceless, Voices, Volcano, Volleyball, Volume, Volunteer, Vomiting, Voodoo, Vote, Voting, Voucher, Vow, Voyage, Voyeurism, Vulnerability, Dreams Meanings Starting with V

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