Dreams Meanings Symbols between VCR and Vicar

Search meanings of Dreams

  • VCR

    To dream of a VCR is a sign that there is something in your life that you should give a lot of attention and care...

  • Vegetables

    Dreaming of vegetables is expressed the necessity of improving the quality of life, the transparency of your finances or being a defender of the good feeding of your junior relatives...

  • Vegetarian

    Dreaming of a vegetarian is omened earnings in the financial sector for the results in your work...

  • Vegetation

    The vegetation that darkens or clouds your view in a dream represents a barrier, an obstacle or a conflict that it is approaches...

  • Vehicle

    To dream of a slight vehicle means your decision of to create abilities or to solve a problem that has put on outside of control...

  • Vehicles

    Free online dream interpretation of Vehicles. Understand the meaning of Vehicles in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Vehicles dream.

  • Veil

    To dream of a veil in the face of a woman means sadness due to diverse setbacks or contradictions...

  • Vein

    To see your own vein in a dream is a sign of defense protector of your health and of your personal and public matters, including the family...

  • Veins

    Dreaming of some visible veins in the skin is represented the daily tensions or the existent of stress in a person...

  • Velociraptor

    To dream of a velociraptor represents the pressure of a strong fear for something or somebody and of the one that wants to leave totally...

  • Velvet

    Dreaming of the velvet that possesses a clothes of your is represented the softness and elegance of an action or a very human expression carried out by your person...

  • Vending Machine

    A vending machine in a dream symbolizes a quick and easy recompense or the simple efforts that give good results surprisingly...

  • Veneer

    To dream of veneer a behavior means something deceiving or hide that wants to hide lately in your attitude...

  • Venereal Disease

    To dream of a venereal disease symbolizes an imbalance or a collapse emotional severe on some personal desire, including the health, the security or the sexual desire...

  • Vengeance

    Dreaming of vengeance, implies that endure a misfortune in business...

  • Venom

    To dream of venom means a great necessity, a big pressure on your things, and fear to something or desires of taking the control of your responsibilities...

  • Ventriloquist

    To dream of a ventriloquist is a sign that somebody around you is being less sincere with you and with other people...

  • Venus

    To dream of Venus is to want something that you and everyone want to represent to be or to possess for beautiful or valuable extremely...

  • Venus Flytrap

    To dream that you are eaten by a Venus flytrap represents the premonition of to be overwhelmed of difficulties or to be very stressed in your life...

  • Veranda

    To dream that you are sitting down in a veranda is a sign that you will be successful in a great effort that has caused to you many concern and expenses...

  • Verdict

    To dream of a verdict means an interior fear that will stay for long time in your conscience for not facing the reality in a way true or intelligent...

  • Vermin

    To dream of vermin near you or of your house it is a sign of the vicinity of negative experiences linked to an illness or important problem in the body...

  • Vertical

    Dreaming of a vertical plumb line is omened to be very careful with all work proposals that doesn't show seriousness like company...

  • Vertigo

    To dream that you are experiencing vertigo announces an analysis of your family relationships, the necessity of check your health or little understanding of your attitude in the work...

  • Vessels

    To dream of vessels of war in the sea either means next trip of pleasure or of business...

  • Vest

    Dreaming of a vest is expressed the nature charitable and solidarity of your actions is expressed with many people...

  • Veterinarian

    To think and to dream of a veterinarian points out a wide term; hence, to dream of a veterinarian represents cure and relief, necessity and chance, science and practice...

  • Vex

    To vex or to mistreat in a dream symbolizes near conflict, sure liberation of something or somebody or it fights between people of diverse social position...

  • Vibrate

    The dream about the feel to vibrate in you it symbolizes warning, alerts or intuition that predicts an event or next encounter very positive toward a change...

  • Vicar

    Dreaming of a vicar is omened that you should make an important decision to abandon the addictions and to follow the simple and humble road...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 116

VCR, Vegetables, Vegetarian, Vegetation, Vehicle, Vehicles, Veil, Vein, Veins, Velociraptor, Velvet, Vending Machine, Veneer, Venereal Disease, Vengeance, Venom, Ventriloquist, Venus, Venus Flytrap, Veranda, Verdict, Vermin, Vertical, Vertigo, Vessels, Vest, Veterinarian, Vex, Vibrate, Vicar, Dreams Meanings Starting with V

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.