Dreams Meanings Symbols between Grafting and Grindstone

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Grafting

    To dream that you are grafting or transplanting something in a human body represents to forge firm and durable, although risky relationships and you tighten...

  • Grain

    Dreaming of a grain of sand is omened pleasure and enjoyment of some vacations deserved by your effort and your work in a near place...

  • Grammar

    To dream of a matter of grammar written in a surface represents difficulties when explaining or to say some approach of importance toward other people...

  • Grandchild

    Dreaming of the arrival of a grandchild is omened the coming from an unexpected surprise to the family but with a lot of happiness...

  • Grandchildren

    To dream of grandchildren means that you want to perpetuate your life here in the earth with a fact of great transcendence...

  • Grandmother

    Dreaming of a grandmother making errands is omened success in your project that he will receive for your great effort...

  • Grandparents

    To dream of your grandparents means that you have fears and doubts and for that reason some advice is looked for that helps to solve the complex difficulties that are bothering you now...

  • Granite

    Dreaming of a granite rock is noticed the stability in your purposes and feelings to achieve your objectives in the life...

  • Grapefruit

    To dream of a grapefruit represents health, freshness and strength in actions and next tasks...

  • Grapes

    To dream of grapes indicates that you are about to be somebody important for a person or that you have been ascended to a better employment in your work...

  • Grass

    To dream of the grass represents some personal aspects that are of great force and growth in your spirituality and that they are guarantee of your personal security...

  • Grasshopper

    To dream of a grasshopper represents the freedom, the sovereignty, and the spiritual knowledge that the life offers in each breeze, flower or tree...

  • Grave

    To dream of a grave represents a matter closed or concluded seemingly and that it should be solved in a correct way...

  • Gravel

    The gravel means something solid and convincing that can change but of staying united it is very safe to begin or of able to be done important matters...

  • Gravestone

    A gravestone in your dream symbolizes obsession, insistence or inclination to something harmful that you want or you want and that you don’t know in fact...

  • Graveyard

    A graveyard present in a dream means health and life for long time, as well as to remain attentive to any issue of the personal economy...

  • Gravy

    To dream of the gravy represents strength, vigor or an acceptable and appropriate health that it won't deteriorate for a lot of time...

  • Grease

    Dreaming of grease is notices to not coveting the other people's goods, because it can carry serious problems in your labor life...

  • Greece

    Dreaming of Greece and your hot summers is noticed changes in your life for well you and of your family...

  • Greek

    Dreaming of a Greek is omened the realization of a popular party in the planned neighborhood and directed by your relatives...

  • Green

    Dreaming of green grassland is omened prosperity and tranquility for your person and your family...

  • Green Beans

    Dreaming of green beans the necessity is alerted of watching over your matters very closely, because they approach bad times with diverse problems...

  • Greenhouse

    To dream of a greenhouse demonstrates change, development and elevation of things that you want to see to grow or to enlarge before you with to the help of all...

  • Greeting Card

    To dream of a greeting card indicates that it can have a marvel that it waits you and it will stimulate to grow as better person and family...

  • Gremlins

    To dream of the gremlins means adorable feelings of your childhood that keeps with a lot of love...

  • Greyhound

    To dream of a greyhound (English dog) communicates for your life daily friendship, fidelity, speed, serenity or necessity to have other people's affection...

  • Griffon

    Dreaming of a griffon speed is omened mainly in the solution of difficulties and serenity before complicated situations...

  • Grim Reaper

    To see the Grim Reaper in your dream implies the antagonistic, rejected parts of your identity...

  • Grinch

    To dream of a grinch indicates to be careful with unknown, not to usually lose your orientation or the balance of the behavior...

  • Grindstone

    To dream of a grindstone of the grinder of your factory means your concern for the health of your family and the good development of your relatives...

Dreams 151 - 180 of 191

Grafting, Grain, Grammar, Grandchild, Grandchildren, Grandmother, Grandparents, Granite, Grapefruit, Grapes, Grass, Grasshopper, Grave, Gravel, Gravestone, Graveyard, Gravy, Grease, Greece, Greek, Green, Green Beans, Greenhouse, Greeting Card, Gremlins, Greyhound, Griffon, Grim Reaper, Grinch, Grindstone, Dreams Meanings Starting with G

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