Dreams Meanings Symbols between Garter and Geode

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Garter

    To dream of a garter or elastic league for stockings points out an next love affair amazing, a sensual temptation and a sexual great excitement in some days...

  • Garter Belt

    To dream of seeing a woman that takes a garter belt represents a desirable situation that it wants get better totally...

  • Garuda

    To dream of a Garuda represents spiritual elevation, neutralization of bad things or message of good omen...

  • Gas

    To see or to smell gas in a dream suggests the necessity to have something important or the opportunity to rest and to recover energies...

  • Gas Chamber

    Dreaming of a gas chamber is indicated a moment extremely unpleasant or cruel for a person or for any alive being...

  • Gas Mask

    To see or to take a gas mask in your dream demonstrates the necessity to practice some sport to improve the physical state or the health...

  • Gas Station

    To dream of a gas station represents to recover forces, to maintain all orderly and preparation to carry out actions and important and complex tasks...

  • Gasoline

    To dream of the gasoline represents the resistance and the vitality, the obtaining of something difficult that considers something explosive and inflammable today...

  • Gate

    To dream of a gate means the inauguration or the conclusion of a matter as well as the limit or the expansion of an access area in the life...

  • Gatekeeper

    To dream of a gatekeeper of a train line means solid road and sign in your professional interests...

  • Gauze

    Dreaming of gauze full of blood is represented a lack of security or respect toward you for some relatives and friends...

  • Gavel

    To dream of the gavel represents necessity to make justice in something, to be impartial in an important decision that will happen or to stay far from a complex and unjust situation...

  • Gay People

    Dreaming of gay people is expressed the tolerance or the respect of another identity or pleasure...

  • Gazelle

    To dream of a gazelle represents the spirit, the magic of the wild nature and the opportunities of the life...

  • Gazelles

    To dream of gazelles playing on a prairie means that you have an austere and sagacious personality for the business...

  • Gear

    Dreaming of gear your automobile is omened a work trip to an international fair in Netherlands next year...

  • Gecko

    A gecko walking for a wall during a dream represents the acquisition of ability, the protection of something valuable or the consent to be proclaimed a truth...

  • Geese

    To dream of common geese means a pleasant premonition of, happiness and married sincerity, obtaining of something that has always wanted or it alerts of incompetence...

  • Geisha

    To dream of a geisha means charm, attraction, grace and elegance through a not very usual activity but stimulant as the massage, the relaxation or the meditation...

  • Gel

    When using the gel in a dream it is represented the necessity of cleaning, to improve or to rectify something of that it has not been taken care socially...

  • Gelatin

    To dream of the gelatin symbolizes to go out with ability of a difficult matter, to avoid a bureaucratic complicated management or to achieve the approval of a project in which you have thought a lot of time...

  • Gemini

    To dream of gemini means intelligence, brightness, new and renovating ideas...

  • Gems

    To dream of gems means relationship with the luck, the fortune or the well-being, provided the stones are shown very cut and polished...

  • Gender

    Dreaming of the gender of somebody is expressed an imprecision or a mistake that it should be rectified keeping in mind the people, places or objects affected...

  • Generator

    To see a generator in their dream demonstrates the force, the independence, the ability and the professional motivation that you possess to carry out important actions and tasks at the moment...

  • Genie

    To dream of a genius means great imagination, incredible and powerful forces and sign of a not very common intelligence...

  • Genitals

    To dream of the genitals of a boy means the perception of itself before unsatisfied sexual desires...

  • Genius

    To see a genius in your dream indicates next contact with somebody or something that will offer superior knowledge to the activity or occupation that you carry out daily...

  • Genocide

    To dream of the genocide is indicative of irreparable mistakes or necessity of purifying the personal past...

  • Geode

    Seeing a geode in your dream mean power and excellence shaped under weight in power of activity...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 191

Garter, Garter Belt, Garuda, Gas, Gas Chamber, Gas Mask, Gas Station, Gasoline, Gate, Gatekeeper, Gauze, Gavel, Gay People, Gazelle, Gazelles, Gear, Gecko, Geese, Geisha, Gel, Gelatin, Gemini, Gems, Gender, Generator, Genie, Genitals, Genius, Genocide, Geode, Dreams Meanings Starting with G

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.