Grease Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Grease Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Grease Dream Meaning:

Dreaming of grease is notices to not coveting the other people's goods, because it can carry serious problems in your labor life. The grease in a dream symbolizes an alert in your diet, where it is consuming a lot of grease and it can affect your cholesterol and your health. If you dream of the grease of a lubricant one in the street it means the capacity that has to get rid of the problems with lies and deceits. To dream of the chicken grease represents the existence of very near people with false intentions of helping.

Now, to dream of the corporal grease also means that you should lift your self-esteem to be able to reach the dreams that you intends. It is necessary to soften certain aspects of your character to make your positive and happy existence.

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Grease Dreams

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