Dreams Meanings Starting with G

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  • G Letter

    To dream of the g letter means premonitions before situations that will demand you a constant perfection during a lot of time...

  • Gabe Saporta

    Dreaming of Gabe Saporta is omened discipline, effort and desires of leaving ahead in your professional life...

  • Gag

    To dream of a gag in the mouth indicates that you have difficulty in showing how you really feel with regard to a special situation...

  • Gala

    To dream of a gala represents moment happiness or social recognition to your acting as successful manager...

  • Galaxy

    To dream of a galaxy means something grandiose or enormous that will wake up your imagination and the creativity without limits...

  • Gale

    Dreaming of a gale is omened personal separation of the professional objectives that have guided you during years...

  • Gall Bladder

    To dream of the gall bladder it represents a situation emotional tense, bothersome and difficult of solving thru of a to proceed or normal behavior...

  • Gallows

    To dream of a gallows represents the abrupt or complete culmination of something obtained or worked by a lot of time...

  • Gambling

    To dream of being gambling represents that you are taking a risk, tensing or putting in danger your patrimony, the health and the familiar life...

  • Game

    To dream of a soccer game means near adventure, challenge before markets and clients, election and ability in the taking of decisions...

  • Game Show

    To dream of a game show represents the obtaining of a very active, changing or adventurous life very full with risks...

  • Games

    To dream of gymnastics games taken place in your neighborhood means that in the real life you are a winner before the difficulties that can be presented...

  • Gandhi

    To dream of Gandhi means to get some goal in a novel way, different or without the use of the force or the power...

  • Gang

    To dream of old music's gang means that your period of indecisions and restlessness will arrive to your end...

  • Gangrene

    To dream of somebody sick of gangrene indicates to clean everything in a radical way, to fix hard and difficult matters or to break and to take out something or somebody totally...

  • Gap

    To dream of a gap in the wall of your kitchen means a near danger that you don't still know how to specify...

  • Garage

    To dream of a garage means to materialize proverbs expressed recently or the execution of a very ambitioned desire...

  • Garage Sale

    Dreaming of a garage sale is demonstrated the capacity or the possibility of obtaining something very simple but of great value for all individual...

  • Garbage

    To dream of garbage means a situation of exhaustion mental or physical or a mind very busy of responsibilities...

  • Garbage Can

    Dreaming of a garbage can it is demonstrated the importance to remember, to order and to clean all action or inadequate idea or mistaken of the mind...

  • Garbage Man

    Dreaming of a garbage man can sweeping the street is omened an interesting matter that is letting escape without realizing...

  • Garbage Truck

    To dream of a garbage truck implies to clean an image damaged by an error, to eliminate a fear or a personal phobia or to give to know a habit or bad habit annoying socially...

  • Garden

    The dream about a garden could be an advance to obtain something beautiful, very wanted or to reach a good perception of your life...

  • Garden of Eden

    To dream of the Garden of Eden means a circumstance that you feel is flawless, blameless, or ample...

  • Gardening

    To dream that you are gardening symbolizes work or profession issues...

  • Gargoyle

    To dream of a gargoyle suggests wide imagination, concern for private and public matters, as well as the desire to have personal experiences with vampires, men wolves and monsters...

  • Garland

    To dream of a garland means to have an important victory, the approval of a work project or a necessary thing in your house totally...

  • Garlic

    To dream that you are eating garlic represents health, objective and calm nature or a correct focus to love and to be loved...

  • Garnet

    To dream of a gem of garnet points out hardness, resistance and an exact focus at a very high appropriate level to approach complex and difficult matters of solving...

  • Garret

    Dreaming of the garret of your house it omens to live off illusions, of theories, always far from the practical thing, objective, functional or realist...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 191

G Letter, Gabe Saporta, Gag, Gala, Galaxy, Gale, Gall Bladder, Gallows, Gambling, Game, Game Show, Games, Gandhi, Gang, Gangrene, Gap, Garage, Garage Sale, Garbage, Garbage Can, Garbage Man, Garbage Truck, Garden, Garden of Eden, Gardening, Gargoyle, Garland, Garlic, Garnet, Garret, Dreams Meanings Starting with G

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.