Dreams Meanings Symbols between Chisel and Churning

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Chisel

    Dreaming of a chisel is omened the imminent necessity of cutting a root wrong in your interior to improve your health...

  • Chloroform

    Dream about seeing somebody being handicapped with chloroform Indicates that you trust you are superior to what others think...

  • Chocolate

    Chocolate dream means you will give in plenitude to the individuals who rely on upon you...

  • Chocolate Bars

    To dream of chocolate bars represents the identity or the formal and real recompense that a person will offer to you for something you it has guaranteed for long time...

  • Chocolate Cake

    To dream of a chocolate cake of padded of coconut means pleasure, unsatisfied desires, gift of to guess and to express premonitions about the private life of people...

  • Chocolate Milk

    To see or beverage chocolate milk drain in your dream implies that you are liking life...

  • Choir

    To dream of a choir indicates vicinity to the spiritual thing, elevation perhaps of the human being and to feel the perfect thing...

  • Choker

    To dream of a choker represents the premonitions of abundance, luxury and the arrival of orders to other people constantly...

  • Choking

    If you suffocate in a dream it means to lose the route of the life, to have a light dream or to suffer mainly of continuous nightmares during the night...

  • Chopping

    To dream of to be chopping something very solid it represents to adjust, to improve or to solve problems perfectly and immediately...

  • Chopsticks

    To dream of the chopsticks represents the election of making something in the easiest way and without difficulties that bother others...

  • Choreographer

    To dream of a choreographer represents to prepare an activity or a project of high complexity...

  • Chores

    To observe the carrying out of chores during a dream points out the enjoyment of moments of peace and health for long time...

  • Chow Chow

    To dream of a mascot chow chow in your house means a good company, a visit of a near friend, a friendship or a next truth to toast for a private matter...

  • Christ

    To dream of Christ symbolizes the search of the love and the truth with the help of your transparent behavior and without stains mainly...

  • Christening

    Dreaming of a person that are christening in a river omens a renovation or a very fresh and wide change of your approaches or hopes right now...

  • Christian

    Dreaming of a Christian is omened sacrifice, self-denial and total delivery to your family in these moments...

  • Christian People

    To dream of Christian people represents an alert or critic to your limitless behavior or individualist with your colleagues, friends and relatives...

  • Christmas

    To dream of Christmas represents the achievements and the results of the affection and the work, the quality of the intimate relationships and with those with dear beings...

  • Christmas Card

    To dream of a Christmas card means, it gives offering and feelings of nostalgic of your childhood in all the moments...

  • Christmas Cards

    To dream of the Christmas cards represents to express happiness and pleasure to all or to show to other people that you worry about them...

  • Christmas Gifts

    To dream of Christmas gifts given to their children means happiness, family union and tranquility for always...

  • Christmas Lights

    To dream of the Christmas lights represents happiness, nostalgia and hope fundamentally...

  • Christmas Tree

    To dream of a Christmas tree means nostalgia, happiness, to strengthen the relationships with the family and with the friends unboundedly...

  • Christmas Tree Ornaments

    To dream of the Christmas tree ornaments means happiness, nostalgia and it thrills fundamentally...

  • Chrome

    To dream of chrome indicates protection to the family matters, to take care of the human relationships with love or not to lose the enthusiasm and the innovation before any complex problem...

  • Chrysanthemums

    To dream of chrysanthemums symbolizes to possess the wealth, the success, the modesty, and the gratitude regularly...

  • Chuck E. Cheese

    To dream of a Chuck E...

  • Church

    To dream of a church represents the experience of the change in the life, the desire to help to the neighbor or the will of to elaborate or to create continually...

  • Churning

    To dream of being churning something to eat represents the necessity to put order in your things and to eliminate the chaos around you...

Dreams 271 - 300 of 607

Chisel, Chloroform, Chocolate, Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Milk, Choir, Choker, Choking, Chopping, Chopsticks, Choreographer, Chores, Chow Chow, Christ, Christening, Christian, Christian People, Christmas, Christmas Card, Christmas Cards, Christmas Gifts, Christmas Lights, Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Chrome, Chrysanthemums, Chuck E. Cheese, Church, Churning, Dreams Meanings Starting with C

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.