Dreams Meanings Symbols between Credit Cards and Crowbar

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  • Credit Cards

    Dreaming of credit cards symbolize the proximity of merit, achievement or personal recognition for the professional or social integrity achieved...

  • Creek

    To dream of a creek means solution of daily situations immediately; you cheers up to not worrying about anything and to have good premonitions...

  • Cremains

    Dreaming of a cremation a problem is omened in the family that will solve so that it doesn't often happen and it can feel calm...

  • Cremation

    To dream of a cremation indicates will of being better person, of transcending in the spiritual thing and of loving the best in the life...

  • Crepes

    To dream of the crepes represents good pleasure, sweetness and tolerance to everything to have a good beginning after a disagreement...

  • Crescent

    To dream of a crescent in a summer night means a conflict or a matter that it embarrasses or that you make it seem as weak or not very strong...

  • Crescent Moon

    To dream of the crescent moon represents flexibility, revitalization, and ascent in the life...

  • Crevices

    To dream of crevices in a rock represents premonitions of very beneficial opportunities that don't frequently happen to be not very common or not affordable...

  • Crib

    To dream of a crib demonstrates the development of a new innovation or the notion of something very creative recently designed...

  • Crickets

    Dreaming of crickets jumping on a tree is predicted that it should eliminate the comments inside your work, because this will affect it in your labor...

  • Crime

    To dream about which it is accused somebody of a crime it means indication of concerns and uneasiness caused by actions of the past...

  • Crime Scene Investigator

    To dream of a crime scene investigator represents the obtaining of the correct or true road to reach that wanted...

  • Criminal

    Dreaming of a criminal is omened guilt to have made some injustice in certain moment...

  • Cripple

    To dream of a cripple is indicative of the defects or the necessities of you or of people of your community, work or family...

  • Criticism

    To dream of a criticism corresponds to give the warning or the explanation from a near situation to a person or a situation in the life that invokes to the reflection and the study to be better...

  • Crocodile

    To dream of a crocodile suggests that you could be confronted with a danger or threat next and that it will force you to improve your behavior or physical preparation...

  • Croissant

    Dreaming of a croissant is indicated to heal or to cover all lack of affection, warmth or love for personal limitations in your current life...

  • Crop

    To dream of an abundant crop means possibilities, opportunities and limitless commercial options at the moment in your business...

  • Cross

    To dream of a cross represents sacrifice, solidarity and hand in for the good of all the people without differences...

  • Cross Dressing

    To dream that you or another person is a cross dressing insinuates insecurity, desire of to show in a not very common way or to express all the qualities of her personality...

  • Cross or Crucifix

    The cross or crucifix is a strong and universal religious symbol that is often taken by all person that wants full comfort, a honest approach, a total cure, the elimination of the pain, or a general protection the bad thing...

  • Crossbones

    To dream of crossbones could represent a warning of danger, a very risky adventure or the total loss of something very valuable...

  • Crossbow

    To dream of seeing a crossbow indicates that you will harvest big achievements for your certainty in to invest and to buy useful things, as well as the obtaining of recompenses for your hard work...

  • Crossing

    Dreaming of crossing a river mighty is alert of changes from a situation to another unexpectedly...

  • Crossroads

    To dream of being in a crossroads means the proximity of an election or of an important and difficult election...

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Dreaming about crossword puzzle recommends that you are being confronted with a mental test...

  • Crossword Puzzles

    To dream of crossword puzzles represents the premonitions linked to the search of meanings or purposes that are convenient for the search of an answer or a solution...

  • Crouton

    To dream of a crouton toasts do in your breakfast it means to satisfy simple desires, to remember the grandmother's desserts or to fight to have something to eat or to dress...

  • Crow

    The dream about a crow symbolizes something of negative appearance that it will change all your objectives in the life for other better and very more beneficial ones...

  • Crowbar

    To dream of a crowbar represents to solve complicated matters, to get up or to transfer something or somebody...

Dreams 571 - 600 of 607

Credit Cards, Creek, Cremains, Cremation, Crepes, Crescent, Crescent Moon, Crevices, Crib, Crickets, Crime, Crime Scene Investigator, Criminal, Cripple, Criticism, Crocodile, Croissant, Crop, Cross, Cross Dressing, Cross or Crucifix, Crossbones, Crossbow, Crossing, Crossroads, Crossword Puzzle, Crossword Puzzles, Crouton, Crow, Crowbar, Dreams Meanings Starting with C

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.