Chocolate Bars Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Chocolate Bars Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Chocolate Bars Dream Meaning:

To dream of chocolate bars represents the identity or the formal and real recompense that a person will offer to you for something you it has guaranteed for long time. It is to reach something valuable without ending up bothering or to damage somebody and obtaining the biggest benefits. If you dream of chocolate bars on the table of your house you will be rewarded with something that you need very soon. Dreaming of chocolate bars on your worktable is omened the obtaining of something that will allow it to change the pleasure on some technical matters, capacities or abilities.

Exactly, this dream symbolizes a reflection, a message or a real and total confirmation of something of you that it has been valued very well by other people. This allows whenever an appropriate preparation of your future steps in the life.

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Chocolate Bars Dreams

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