Dreams Meanings Symbols between Clothesline and Coconut Tree

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Clothesline

    Dreaming a clothesline, recommends that you are elucidating your considerations and lifting yourself to another condition of mindfulness...

  • Clothespin

    To dream of a clothespin it represents the capacity to fix something, the desire to achieve something simple but necessary or to avoid a difficulty that it was alerted...

  • Clothing

    Dreaming of clothing hanging in your window alert that is considered a person responsible for your acts in the intimate thing and that you don’t fear the critics...

  • Clouds

    To dream of storm clouds means that they come closer sadness, depressions and a bad gust caused by a near epidemic...

  • Clover

    To dream of a clover card means the arrival of an unexpected money but livestock in a game of chance with your colleagues...

  • Clovers

    To dream of clovers on your bed means a sure perspective of happiness and tranquility in your sexual and loving life...

  • Cloves

    To dream of the cloves represents the feelings of trust or protection, of strong dependence to something that you enjoy vastly...

  • Clown

    To dream of a clown corresponds to your sense of humor, sensibility or loving personality of the amusements, of the happiness and even of the music...

  • Clowns

    To dream of clowns represents aspects of your personality that motivate other people not to take you seriously, they ignore you or laugh at you...

  • Club

    Dreaming of a club of social type is represented a special occasion to show the emotions or a space to demonstrate the vulnerability or the hostility of the human beings...

  • Clubbing

    To dream of clubbing an animal means a difficult and cruel image at the present time; even, it could be an unbearable nightmare or an answer to a critical emotional state...

  • Clumsy

    To dream of a clumsy indicates that you are experiencing a matter or a contradiction with a friend or relative that brakes to take important measures in your life...

  • Clutter

    To dream of the clutter omens a matter that will cause disorganization or chaos in some area of your life...

  • Coach

    To dream of a coach insinuates disorganization or little security in your actions, as well as address lack to make important decisions...

  • Coal

    To dream of the coal symbolizes potential fortune and success as if after this dream you find a diamond or a very valuable fortune...

  • Coast

    To dream of the coast insinuates rest, tranquility or necessity of contacting the silence and with your interior identity...

  • Coat

    To dream of a coat means cleaning in the daily acts, correct domain of the occupation, pleasant humor and power of convincing...

  • Coat Of Arms

    To dream of a coat of arms means the origin of the habits and customs taken care as an familiar inheritance...

  • Cobblestone

    To see a cobblestone in your dream means minor challenges and disturbances throughout your life...

  • Cobra

    To dream of a cobra demonstrates the imagination, the inspiration, and the ideas created innovating all matter or thing...

  • Cobras

    To dream of a nest of cobras means near people with bad intentions and betrayals toward your person and you...

  • Cobwebs

    To dream of cobwebs insinuates that you are wasting your abilities, talents and innate forces in smaller concerns...

  • Cocaine

    To dream that you are consuming cocaine insinuates danger, orientation loss and arrival of problems that will cause you emotions and feelings...

  • Cock Ring

    Dreaming a cock ring means you have the ability to get to the end of any task achieving the highest satisfaction possible...

  • Cockatiel

    To dream of a cockatiel or gray it represents to take care, to tolerate or to admit the diversity of forms of the social behaviors or of sexual inclinations of the people...

  • Cocker Spaniel

    To dream of a cocker spaniel represents a good company, a visit of a near friend, a friendship or a next truth to toast to a private matter or public...

  • Cockpit

    To dream of the cockpit of an airplane or of a space ship represents strong ascent of a project or express economic result of a company or business...

  • Cockroach

    To dream of a cockroach indicates the vicinity of a state of humor negative it will show with fears, doubts and insecurity...

  • Cockroaches

    To dream of cockroaches represents feelings of insecurity, fear or phobias for incomprehensible diverse reasons...

  • Coconut Tree

    To dream of a coconut tree or tree of the coconut represents a tropical palm tree that produces a fruit of symbolic high sense for the people of Oceania and Africa: the coconut...

Dreams 361 - 390 of 607

Clothesline, Clothespin, Clothing, Clouds, Clover, Clovers, Cloves, Clown, Clowns, Club, Clubbing, Clumsy, Clutter, Coach, Coal, Coast, Coat, Coat Of Arms, Cobblestone, Cobra, Cobras, Cobwebs, Cocaine, Cock Ring, Cockatiel, Cocker Spaniel, Cockpit, Cockroach, Cockroaches, Coconut Tree, Dreams Meanings Starting with C

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