Dreams Meanings Symbols between Appear and Architecture

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Appear

    Dreaming of something that appear is represented limitation, imagination or constant doubt above all that it surrounds you...

  • Appearance

    Dreaming of the appearance of something or somebody seeks advice not to take the concerns or daily doubts seriously...

  • Appendix

    To dream of your son's appendix means a desire to be protected of unpleasant comments, to avoid changing your way to think or not to listen valuations when it goes by some type of modification of your physique or of your behavior...

  • Appetite

    When we dream of the appetite we feel an instinctive impulse on as being advised in particular with other people with lawyers, doctors or other professionals...

  • Applause

    To dream of the applause of a public means the search or the obtaining of the homage and the affection of all...

  • Apple Tree

    An apple tree in a dream is a symbol of opulence and luxury, of satisfaction and tranquility, as well as of durable health...

  • Apples

    To see apples in a dream it indicates tranquility, health, intelligence and abundance personal demonstrated and confirmed by the time...

  • Appliance

    Dreaming of an appliance is alerted the possible transfer of ideas and business of a place to another in well of their company...

  • Appointment

    To dream of going to an appointment indicates that you need to put more attention to your objectives in the life or to take care better of the financial matters...

  • Apprentice

    To dream that you are an apprentice indicates that your style of work hard and constant it will help you to get the social position wanted in little time...

  • Approval

    To dream of the approval expressed security and acceptance of challenges, tests and wanted goals...

  • Apricot

    To see an apricot in growth in your dream insinuates that although you foresee a complex future situation you will be able to guarantee their solution...

  • Apricots

    To dream of apricots represents an occasional and pleasant indulgence, a refined and not very common pleasure that the person wants to satisfy in little time...

  • April

    If you dream of the month of April, it is a premonition of rains pleasant and good fortune during the whole year...

  • Apron

    To see an apron in your dream demonstrates the dedication and the effort to achieve an obligation, being careful with your things particularly...

  • Aquamarine

    To dream of an aquamarine like a gem expresses your emotional state, your nostalgia for the past or the emotion felt before an event lately...

  • Aquarium

    To see an aquarium full of people in a dream indicates that you are aware of the conditions of security and protection that you and the family possess today...

  • Aquarium Ornament

    To dream of an aquarium ornament represents something undecided, a strange and not very useful situation with regard to you that it won't have importance...

  • Aquarius

    To dream of Aquarius like constellation symbolizes a new principle, something fluid and noble but that it can destroy everything with its force that it begins and it continues forward every year...

  • Aqueduct

    The appearance of an aqueduct in a dream is symbol of prosperity, abundance and work in team and a spiritual great feeling of a dreamer person...

  • Arbiter

    If you are an arbiter in a dream, the life notices him/her to be exactly in the face of a decision or when applying an approach or trial without to think or to meditate...

  • Arcade

    To see or to feel that you are in a gallery in a dream it represents that you are taking the life in a very tense or too rigid way...

  • Arch

    Dreaming of an arch between two columns is represented the exactness of decisions to take right now in your life or the clarity of a road in the life that you should take in these moments and immediately...

  • Archaeologist

    A dream of an archaeologist means a motivation that will make meditate, to look for and to find the road wanted to build your own dharma with force...

  • Archaeology

    The archaeology and their activities in a dream mean a task or action that it will take charge of looking for, to identify and to explain an important matter...

  • Archbishop

    To see an archbishop in your dream indicates that you will have to overcome many obstacles and privations before you can get the prosperity and the economic state that you wants...

  • Archery

    To dream of the archery indicates the necessity to be organized with an objective and a course of your life very clear...

  • Archetypes

    The archetypes mean ways of you see by yourself in unique and wonderful experiences with the help of a dream...

  • Architect

    To see an architect in your dream means a new promise or an application that you will be able to include so much in a matter of work or of familiar To dream of an architect symbolizes a reason to create or to develop a matter that is just to be approved...

  • Architecture

    Dreaming of the Architecture of the Parthenon of Athens is omened some days of vacations in one of the national parks of a lot of prestige...

Dreams 241 - 270 of 359

Appear, Appearance, Appendix, Appetite, Applause, Apple Tree, Apples, Appliance, Appointment, Apprentice, Approval, Apricot, Apricots, April, Apron, Aquamarine, Aquarium, Aquarium Ornament, Aquarius, Aqueduct, Arbiter, Arcade, Arch, Archaeologist, Archaeology, Archbishop, Archery, Archetypes, Architect, Architecture, Dreams Meanings Starting with A

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.