Dreams Meanings Symbols between Abyss and Actors

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Abyss

    Often, an abyss present in a dream means to see how an obstacle will disappear or something difficult it will return to the normality...

  • Acacia

    To dream of an acacia means the existence of affection, pure love and loyal affection...

  • Acacia Tree

    To dream of an acacia tree represents to cure, to rejuvenate and to beautify all action that a person can want to another...

  • Academy

    Dreaming of an academy is omened a great work proposal, an important business project or a lucrative plan of modernization of your company...

  • Academy Awards

    A dream that involves the Academy Awards or Oscar manifests a call or a convocation of giving an opportunity to your objectives or desires...

  • Accelerator

    To observe an accelerator of an automobile, so much their pedal or their mechanism, it can mean the obtaining of something important by the balance of your actions...

  • Accent

    To dream of a musical accent means disposition of conquering difficulties, to possess qualities to make advance an idea or personal aspiration...

  • Acceptance

    To dream of the acceptance of a law means that your behavior adapted in the life will bring you big surprises...

  • Accessory

    To dream of an accessory means that you will remember something that was not sufficiently attended by you...

  • Accident

    To dream of being in an accident can be a warning to avoid conflicts or situations not wanted for all...

  • Accomplice

    A dream in which you are an accomplice demonstrates a premonition of error accuses or shame for an action carried out by an incident or conflict...

  • Accordion

    A dream that listens the music of an accordion it predicts the coming of some pleasant event or unforgettable activity that it will help to feel better your life and matters...

  • Accountant

    A dream in which you are an accountant demonstrates the objectivity, the seriousness and the justiciad toward somebody or something that you are considers pensively...

  • Accounts

    Dreaming of bank accounts is omened to use with moderation your power and resources before necessities or refined likes...

  • Accuse

    Dreaming of accuse a person for a forbidden fact is omened torture or restlessness by a personal problem that should solve...

  • Ace

    Dreaming of the ace of gold of the cards a great future event is omened in which will make an important decision that will benefit you in the business or in the finances...

  • Aches

    To dream of aches in the body means that you will obtain something that will be able to improve your position in the work or that you will obtain an opportunity to buy a house or a farm...

  • Achievement

    To dream of an achievement is means that you will get big benefits and victories with your own effort and facing diverse challenges and difficulties...

  • Acid

    To dream of acid represents careful and methodical handling of some contract, commitment or oath established years ago...

  • Acne

    Acne dream means your respect toward oneself and the picture he has of you...

  • Acorn

    To see an acorn in a dream generally represents intensity and patience, resistance and life or simplicity and beauty...

  • Acquaintance

    To see an acquaintance in a dream it could represent matters of your work or of your house that they need to be balanced...

  • Acquit

    Dreaming of which you are acquit of a crime it is denounced that soon it will be in possession of the benefits that you have been wanting...

  • Acrobat

    Dreaming of an acrobat you can express the interest or the restlessness on something very wanted by your person and that it has been difficult to reach...

  • Acrylic Nails

    To dream of acrylic nails means the arrival of something very attractive but unreal or not very convincing in the practice...

  • Acting

    Dreaming of acting in a theater is omened important changes in our professional life soon...

  • Action Figure

    To dream of an action figure means that your personal nature is restless and full with ideas...

  • Action Hero

    Dreaming of an action hero seeks advice to communicate with those bigger than your family to know your current situation...

  • Actor

    To see an actor in your dream means that you need to obtain satisfaction and recognition for your personal efforts constantly...

  • Actors

    To dream of the actors of one works of classic theater it means possible change of ideas or projects, as well as the alteration of small things or of behaviors in the course of some days...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 359

Abyss, Acacia, Acacia Tree, Academy, Academy Awards, Accelerator, Accent, Acceptance, Accessory, Accident, Accomplice, Accordion, Accountant, Accounts, Accuse, Ace, Aches, Achievement, Acid, Acne, Acorn, Acquaintance, Acquit, Acrobat, Acrylic Nails, Acting, Action Figure, Action Hero, Actor, Actors, Dreams Meanings Starting with A

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.