Dreams Meanings Symbols between Almonds and Amulet

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Almonds

    To see almonds in your dream indicates that you will trip with an opportunity that will give you an important prosperity, but only after experiencing great anguish and desperation...

  • Alms

    The alms during a dream mean a sign of help, charity or of collaboration to receive or to offer soon...

  • Aloe

    To dream of the aloe symbolizes the cure and the well-being, the kindness and the freshness so much physics as emotionally...

  • Alone

    To dream of being alone means lack of communication with the other ones and tendency to the indifference...

  • Aloneness

    There is a great difference between the aloneness and to be abandoned in the world in the middle of the company of other fellow men...

  • Alphabet

    To dream of an alphabet of any type represents the communication, the creative force or the comprehension interior of something that is a foundation in all human being...

  • Altar

    To dream of an altar means to communicate with somebody in a way full and simple or to give all the personal force to who needs it...

  • Altar Boys

    To dream of altar boys represents that you or another person are being considered or approved to a good work position perfectly...

  • Alum

    To see the alum kept in a flask in your dream insinuates that you need to stop or to neutralize a situation or that you need to clarify a problem that perturbs you now...

  • Aluminum

    To see the aluminum in your dream indicates that you are satisfied with the successes, with the prosperity or with the health enjoyed at the moment...

  • Alzheimer's Disease

    The presence of some characteristic of Alzheimer´s disease or disorder of Alzheimer in a dream points out fear to the aging, to the loss of daily abilities or of the personal goods...

  • Ambassador

    To dream of an ambassador symbolizes the leadership, the representation and the care that it needs your road in all the facets of the life currently...

  • Amber

    To see amber in your dream it predicts the enjoyment of a luxurious room in a hotel of great category...

  • Amber Alert

    Dreaming of an amber alert is expressed the possibility to forget or to mislead something important...

  • Ambulance

    To dream of an ambulance could represent complex matters of solving for people friends of you because only you concern these matters directly...

  • Ambush

    To dream of an ambush you denounce surprising news with which you didn't count...

  • America

    Dreaming of America is omened to dominate your inability of speaking appropriately with people...

  • American People

    Dreaming of American people is omened a new position of difficult work but entertained in these days...

  • Amethyst

    To see an amethyst in your dream indicates that you are happy with the aspects of the life in connection with the finances and your personal happiness...

  • Amish

    To dream of the Amish indicates that your dependence on the technology has arrived to a critical point...

  • Amish People

    Dreaming of Amish people means living straightforward without the longings of innovation and shocking material riches...

  • Ammonia

    To see ammonia in your dream insinuates that a relationship could be destroyed due to the actions of others that it bothers them to see the happiness and the fidelity show in people...

  • Ammunition

    To dream of ammunition means the use of influences and contacts to convince others in the support or conservation of something very valuable during a time...

  • Amnesia

    To see or to suffer the amnesia of somebody in a dream represents something that has not been given the attention and necessary care or that it has been tried to omit somehow...

  • Amorous

    Dreaming of being amorous with your children omens a lot of luck and happiness in your destination...

  • Amphisbaena

    To dream of an amphisbaena symbolizes an attention or an action in two addresses, it is a force or energy that guides in two addresses or that it divides a road in two paths...

  • Amphitheater

    To dream of an amphitheater suggests the presence of something spectacular, astonishing and incredible that it calls and it summons the look of all the people sincerely...

  • Amplifier

    Dreaming of an amplifier is symbolized the popularization, the communication and the information of something that all should know without some concern...

  • Amputation

    Dreaming of the amputation of a leg by reason of an accident is omened that it will be affected of a deception in your life due to an announcement personal or professional unsatisfactory...

  • Amulet

    To dream of amulet may demonstrate something like the placebo impact, in which your conviction goes about as a recuperating and influential backing...

Dreams 151 - 180 of 359

Almonds, Alms, Aloe, Alone, Aloneness, Alphabet, Altar, Altar Boys, Alum, Aluminum, Alzheimer's Disease, Ambassador, Amber, Amber Alert, Ambulance, Ambush, America, American People, Amethyst, Amish, Amish People, Ammonia, Ammunition, Amnesia, Amorous, Amphisbaena, Amphitheater, Amplifier, Amputation, Amulet, Dreams Meanings Starting with A

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.