Dreams Meanings Symbols between Acupuncture and Affrighted

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Acupuncture

    To dream of the acupuncture can indicate that you have been at the moment for months under a great tension, mental pressure or physical pain due to a manifested certain situation...

  • Adam and Eve

    Dreaming of Adam and Eve in the paradise is alerted the disobedience and bad behavior your children's in your house in these moments...

  • Adamant

    To dream of an adamant person represents the arrival of a situation that it will be able to incorporate or to reject you to a social group linked to a work, a sport or a cultural activity...

  • Adder

    To dream of an adder in your bed means lie, deceit and betrayal of your couple for unsuspected causes...

  • Addict

    Dreaming of an addict to the alcohol is omened indication that you have little control on your attitudes and impulses...

  • Addiction

    To dream of an addiction for the tobacco means the excess of pleasures that then unpleasant and uncomfortable turner is been able to...

  • Addition

    Dreaming of the sum of apples the necessity is omened of establishing a vegetarian diet to improve your health presently...

  • Address

    Dreaming of a last address is omened the financing search to your project during several months but that it will be granted you...

  • Adieu

    To dream of giving the adieu to somebody means the possibility of an accidental conclusion of a party or of a pleasant visit...

  • Admiral

    To dream of an admiral denounces the personal desire or the executive task of directing a group of people with very precise objectives, in the social or in the professional thing...

  • Admire

    To dream of admire a beautiful square of a great painter you omen development and amplification in your business...

  • Adobe

    Dreaming of an adobe is omened that it will maintain steel will to attack your desires or immediate plans...

  • Adolescent

    To dream of an adolescent it represents the occurrence of something that it will put in judgment your experience and wisdom before colleagues, friends and relatives...

  • Adopted

    Dreaming of somebody that is adopted a boy is represented a great possibility for your life, as a work task or the acceptance of a responsibility with many benefits...

  • Adoption

    Dreaming of the adoption of children is omened a next pregnancy that will provide to your family of a new member...

  • Adulation

    To dream of the adulation to somebody represents moderation, care or balance in your expressions or actions before people responsible or old...

  • Adultery

    To dream of the adultery of a person with relationship to another it means desires sexual contents or limitations in the necessary vigor for love and to be loved...

  • Advancement

    To dream of the technological advancement means friendship, fidelity, speed, serenity or necessity of having other people's affection...

  • Adventurer

    To see an adventurer in a dream means obsession and reiteration in it achieves something for yourself and with a repetitive behavior with somebody...

  • Adversary

    An adversary can denounce an adversity that should be neutralized to achieve a goal or a crash that it has to be avoided totally...

  • Adversity

    To dream of an adversity that is experienced in a closed as a bedroom or a cave place portends the proximity of something that it will change your life completely...

  • Advertisement

    To dream of an advertisement expresses the great care and detail from your steps when listening and to execute a present idea in a project or a consultation requested you...

  • Advice

    Dreaming of a healthy advice is omened fidelity, commitment and durable friendship on the part of a very dear friend...

  • Advocate

    Dreaming of an advocate is omened big achievements and been by your human quality as model worker...

  • Aerobics

    To dream of the aerobics symbolizes necessity of physical exercise, care of the health mental and physics or to stay attentive to important matters that have been abandoned...

  • Aerosol

    Dreaming of an aerosol is indicated the decision of to enlarge or to increase your sport habits or of healthy feeding in some days...

  • Affection

    If you dream of the affection that you feel for your students it will show the honesty before friends and lawyers in the initiate litigation last week...

  • Affliction

    To dream that you are supporting an affliction of some class it means to have been unable to make something, to go by an unpleasant situation or to have a catastrophe in the family spaces...

  • Affluence

    Dreaming of an individual that is affluent is represented the good fortune, the luck or the opportunity of being involved in an activity with big benefits...

  • Affrighted

    To dream of a terror feeling means insecurity or fear for something that we worry about and that we should solve as soon as possible...

Dreams 61 - 90 of 359

Acupuncture, Adam and Eve, Adamant, Adder, Addict, Addiction, Addition, Address, Adieu, Admiral, Admire, Adobe, Adolescent, Adopted, Adoption, Adulation, Adultery, Advancement, Adventurer, Adversary, Adversity, Advertisement, Advice, Advocate, Aerobics, Aerosol, Affection, Affliction, Affluence, Affrighted, Dreams Meanings Starting with A

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.