Vex Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Vex Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Vex Dream Meaning:

To vex or to mistreat in a dream symbolizes near conflict, sure liberation of something or somebody or it fights between people of diverse social position. To dream of vex means to cause difficulties, uncertainty or obstacles in a place or with a person. If you dreams of to vex to somebody well-known or relative you will be been able to link to an unjust action with a young colleague with perspectives in your company. Dreaming of to vex to somebody unknown or strange it seeks advice reflection and good sense before making a radical decision inside your house.

At the same time, this type of dream allows to put up in its place your personal principles seeing these incorrect actions in front of the mirror of your conscience to value them. It will allow you to specify which are the problems and their causes real of them.

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Vex Dreams

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