Dreams Meanings Symbols between Sphinx and Sports

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Sphinx

    To dream of the sphinx, an Egyptian old statue with the body of a lion and the head of a man, is premonition of something good or new as an interesting trip...

  • Spice

    To dream of a spice indicates that you should implement the diversity and to prove the different things to learn and to elevate your likes...

  • Spices

    To dream of species of several types and forms represents the change or the improvement toward the good in the personal life...

  • Spider

    Dreaming of a spider is symbolized the fight to survive or to protect your private life or the subsistence of the family...

  • Spiderman

    To dream of the Spiderman represents a non usual action of great value or a nervous and arrogant behavior that it will provoke you on shame later...

  • Spiders

    Dreaming of spiders is represented a prejudice, an undervaluation or a rejection of something valuable and very useful that will allow look from the high...

  • Spike

    To see a spike or pin in a dream suggests protection, care or defense of your matters, goods or relationships...

  • Spikes

    To dream of spikes represents challenge, danger or necessity of feelings and actions of character personal of being careful...

  • Spiky Hair

    To dream of the spiky hair represents an irritable behavior, a way of thinking very sensitive, rebellious, malicious, contradictory or insensitive to the rules or approaches settled down by the society...

  • Spill

    Dreaming of that the spill something on somebody or something means to be more cautious in your life and to respect other people and even their approaches...

  • Spinach

    To dream of the spinach represents to maintain the natural and juvenile force of the first moments and without stopping to be the person that was always...

  • Spindle

    To dream of a spindle symbolizes the durability and the resistance, the movement and the change of an action that it should take care...

  • Spine

    To dream of the spine means the solidity, the strength and resistance of a difficulty that it will face very soon...

  • Spinning

    To dream of spinning to the right in your car means a solution in short time to an uncomfortable and necessary situation...

  • Spiral

    Dreaming of a golden spiral is omened that their symbolism dreamer can be averagely related to the advance and the setback of its matters...

  • Spirals

    To dream of spirals lines means the existence of important matters that you come closer and they go away at the same time and at the same time in a rhythmic and quick way...

  • Spire

    To see of a spire of a tower or steeple in a dream represents the obtaining of an ambition, of a hope or of the objectives of the success...

  • Spirit Guides

    Dreaming of spirit guides walking in front of your house it omens an improvement of your economic situation due to a next salary increase...

  • Spirits

    Dreaming of spirits that come closer to the door of your house it omens a positive change in your work with increase in your remuneration...

  • Spiritual Icons

    To dream of spiritual icons means the existence of creative ideas that you will solve conflicts, to maintain a source of important information to dominate a problem or to manipulate and to control permanently to people or a situation...

  • Spit

    To dream of the spit represents the love to your things, to your relatives and your friends or the passion for an attribute or quality of an object or sport...

  • Splash

    Dreaming of the splash in wall insomnia is predicted prolonged by the elaboration and presentation of an important project of your work team in some days...

  • Spleen

    To dream of the spleen means attention to the personal matters, control in the expenses and rejection to errors carried out in the personal and private life...

  • Sponge

    To dream of to see or to use a sponge insinuates necessity to clean facts, to improve the march of the things or to assume a mint open and willing to accept new ideas...

  • Sponges

    To see sponges represents the necessity to take or to acquire knowledge or experiences to be able to take a work position or to acquire something valuable...

  • Sponsorship

    Dreaming of the sponsorship of your children for university is omened the support of some people to carry out your projects...

  • Spoon

    To dream of a spoon insinuates that you should help the needful of food and it dilutes or to offer employment possibilities to who needs it...

  • Spooning

    Free online dream interpretation of Spooning. Understand the meaning of Spooning in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Spooning dream.

  • Spoons

    To dream of spoons represents the special attentions that will be given to a person friend or the invitations to dinners and important shows...

  • Sports

    The sports present in a dream represent the enjoyment of a very flavorful food, the visit to a wonderful place or the hobby to a very creative activity...

Dreams 451 - 480 of 672

Sphinx, Spice, Spices, Spider, Spiderman, Spiders, Spike, Spikes, Spiky Hair, Spill, Spinach, Spindle, Spine, Spinning, Spiral, Spirals, Spire, Spirit Guides, Spirits, Spiritual Icons, Spit, Splash, Spleen, Sponge, Sponges, Sponsorship, Spoon, Spooning, Spoons, Sports, Dreams Meanings Starting with S

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.