Dreams Meanings Symbols between Space and Sperm

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Space

    To dream of the space of other people means respect and consideration for all those that surround you...

  • Space Station

    To dream of a space station represents a prosperous future, the advance in the private and public things and even a possible trip of businesses to the exterior in search of new frontiers for your creative work...

  • Space Travel

    If you dream of space travel reflective your desire to escape from a family situation that should solve at this moment...

  • Spaceship

    To dream of a spaceship indicates imagination, creativity and prediction of solutions for public and private matters...

  • Spades

    To dream of the ace of spades represents the impulsiveness, the playful character or the insensibility before important matters...

  • Spaghetti

    To dream of seeing or to eating spaghetti insinuates to be caught in a problem, in a tense situation with other people or to receive a tangled matter but of easy solution...

  • Spaghetti Sauce

    To see sauce in a dream refers to support, colleague, office of works...

  • Spain

    To dream of Spain it represents a thinking adventurous, a life of pleasure and of good kitchen generally...

  • Spanish People

    To dream of the Spanish people represents the aspects of courage and forces, insistence and tenacity of your personality that influence in that you see almost everything as imperfect...

  • Spanking

    If you dream that you is spanking your son it reflects feelings of impotence and of matters that you should solve as soon as possible with your family...

  • Sparkles

    To dream with sparkles is advising you that all that sparkles is not gold, so don't put a lot of trust in smooth-talking new acquaintances, or any item or arrangement that guarantees moment results or quick money...

  • Sparrow

    To dream of a sparrow symbolizes your dignity and pride, your simplicity and happiness in the face of the life of you and of other people...

  • Sparrows

    Dreaming of sparrows is represented the abandonment of your familiar life or of your friendships for negligence or forgetfulness...

  • Spatula

    To see or to use a spatula in a dream indicates that a difficult situation will be resolved totally without leaving print...

  • Speakers or Stereo

    To dream of the speakers or baffles of a stereo represents your feelings and your state of spirit in general...

  • Speakers Stereo

    Dreaming of the speakers stereo is represented the necessity of communicating your feelings and concerns to other people...

  • Speaking In Tongues

    To dream of speaking in tongues aboriginal in a trip to a distant place means to maintain a fixed idea with relationship to the social approval and the true friendship...

  • Spear

    To dream of a spear that you have in the hands represents the development of a great effort or enormous energy to solve a matter or problem...

  • Special K

    To dream of a special k means a situation that it will be able to restrain it on many of your personal decisions...

  • Spectacles

    Dreaming of spectacles on your work table is omened to stay in contact with the doctor to solve your head uneasiness and of your eyes totally...

  • Speech

    To dream of a speech means the necessity to express your emotions or feelings deeper linked to the prosperity, the pardon and the love...

  • Speed Boat

    To dream of a speed boat represents necessity to carry out a task quickly or to enjoy the adrenaline of a tense and amusing situation...

  • Speed Bump

    To dream of a speed bump represents a limitation, something that is imposed to take a stop or to block an action or an idea that it damages the life or it fills the patience...

  • Speeding

    To dream of speeding means anxiety, uncertainty and concern to feel that the things don't go with the speed that you want...

  • Speeding Ticket

    To dream of a speeding ticket represents the consequences of making imprudent, accelerated or thoughtless decisions...

  • Speedo

    To dream of a Speedo swimsuit represents the desire to pass it well, to shine up to date, to show things of high quality and to defend positive focuses...

  • Speedometer

    To dream of a speedometer reflects the pace of your life or the pace of a circumstance...

  • Spell Book

    To dream of a spell book represents creative ideas that will solve conflicts, to maintain a source of important information to dominate a problem or to manipulate and to control permanently to people or a situation...

  • Spending

    To dream of spending your revenues monthly to plan means that you will have good luck and people that admire you...

  • Sperm

    To dream of the sperm represents the productivity and the masculine aspects of the human personality being sign of strength and life...

Dreams 421 - 450 of 672

Space, Space Station, Space Travel, Spaceship, Spades, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce, Spain, Spanish People, Spanking, Sparkles, Sparrow, Sparrows, Spatula, Speakers or Stereo, Speakers Stereo, Speaking In Tongues, Spear, Special K, Spectacles, Speech, Speed Boat, Speed Bump, Speeding, Speeding Ticket, Speedo, Speedometer, Spell Book, Spending, Sperm, Dreams Meanings Starting with S

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.