Dreams Meanings Starting with S

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  • S Letter

    To dream of the s letter of the word century means your decision recently for the study of the universal history...

  • Sabotage

    To dream of a sabotage symbolizes fights and contradictions that happen inside you without being able to control them and originating a depressive state deep...

  • Sack

    To dream of a sack demonstrates illusion, protection, to hide something unknown that implies you to explain what you don't want to count...

  • Sackcloth

    To dream of a sackcloth can guide the exit of a situation of irrational poverty or of material limitation starting from an interesting work and with big benefits...

  • Sacred

    To dream of the sacred thing indicates a feeling of respect, of consideration and adoration to something very special in your life so much of universal character as personal...

  • Sacrifice

    To dream of the sacrifice indicates wait, acceptance, will and in many occasions delivery or weakness in the face of the irrational force of some human beings...

  • Sad

    Dreaming of a sad day is omened the fear to fail in your employment or with your current loving commitment...

  • Saddle

    Dreaming of a saddle English is omened energy and necessity of meditating on a personal action to carry out or to clean your more intimate emotions...

  • Sadism

    To dream of the sadism can be warning of a great problem or something harmful hidden that will provoke you fear or hate...

  • Sadness

    To dream of being sad may represent feelings of disappointment, failure, or loss of something important...

  • Safari

    To dream that you are in a safari means necessity to rest, want of to get free of the control and the restrictive rules of your company or to take some different days of rest...

  • Safe

    To dream of a safe can indicate that you are keeping or hiding the best thing of your it was worth for a moment of true importance before the view of all...

  • Safety

    To dream of your personal safety means the absence of risk or the trust in something or in somebody generally...

  • Safety Pin

    To dream of a safety pin symbolizes that you will need to control a matter well, to control a situation or the opportunity of uniting to the victory or the failure of other people...

  • Saffron

    To dream of the saffron represents to improve the things, to give possibility to a friend that improves their conditions of life or more reliable being with your children...

  • Sage

    To dream of the sage represents ability, health, saving will and good sense to manage your necessities and all your finances...

  • Sagittarius

    To dream of a sagittarius is to understand that you need a support force or something that impels you in the life with all the forces of the world...

  • Sailboat

    To dream of a sailboat it means that you will get big achievements and victories with your own effort and facing diverse challenges and difficulties...

  • Sailing

    The sailing in waters in calm or easy during a dream it indicates that your life has not still been valued with fair by the approaches of experts and wiser of your work or activity...

  • Sailing Ships

    Dreaming of sailing ships is represented the progress slow but sure of some issues that you have not been able to control per years...

  • Sailor

    Dreaming of a sailor working in a ship in the sea a call is predicted to the wisdom in your matters of business...

  • Saint

    To think and to dream of a saint is always positive; it is similar to the image that has an Messiah or a Prophet for Jews and Islamic...

  • Saints or Sacred Figures

    To dream of saints or sacred images represents the arrival of heralds of the human benevolence, defenders of the morals and the good behaviors of all man and woman...

  • Salad

    To dream of a salad represents the state of a person's health or an alert to the quality of life that carry out daily...

  • Salad Dressing

    Russian dressing French dressing To dream of a salad dressing suggests being surprised and loved by a new action or a good desire in your life...

  • Salamander

    To dream of a salamander indicates that you have the potential of overcoming personal obstacles and challenges like the humiliation, the shame, or the bad luck...

  • Salami

    To dream of the slami it could represent the vicinity of events, such as information or news that woke up feelings of happiness, passion or it punishes...

  • Salary

    To dream of a salary means the confirmation of an invigoration in the way of life and covering the basic necessities...

  • Sale

    Dreaming of the sale of an article is represented the possibility of to prosper or to obtain something that means a lot in your plans...

  • Salesperson

    Dreaming see that you are a Salesperson, proposes that there is something you have to incorporate in your life...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 672

S Letter, Sabotage, Sack, Sackcloth, Sacred, Sacrifice, Sad, Saddle, Sadism, Sadness, Safari, Safe, Safety, Safety Pin, Saffron, Sage, Sagittarius, Sailboat, Sailing, Sailing Ships, Sailor, Saint, Saints or Sacred Figures, Salad, Salad Dressing, Salamander, Salami, Salary, Sale, Salesperson, Dreams Meanings Starting with S

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.