Dreams Meanings Symbols between Overdue and Ox

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Overdue

    Dreaming of something overdue it is represented a premonition of loss or conclusion of responsibilities, promises or obligations contracted...

  • Overflowing

    To dream of overflowing a glass of milk means that it has arrived to the limit of your patience and it doesn't agree on tolerating anything not well fact...

  • Overhear

    Dreaming of overhear unpleasant opinions gives you the measure that you should not trust all the people that surround you...

  • Overpass

    An overpass symbolizes to overcome obstacles and to progress in the trip of the life...

  • Owl

    An owl is the archetype of the wisdom in the parables of many old cultures that come the greatness from the Universe that to dream of this nocturnal bird...

  • Owls

    Dreaming of several owls in a leafy tree is omened an alert on an interesting matter to solve immediately with the use of your intelligence and abilities...

  • Ox

    Dreaming of an ox is represented the reflection, the insistence, the kindness and the force of your feelings and aspirations...

Dreams 121 - 127 of 127

Overdue, Overflowing, Overhear, Overpass, Owl, Owls, Ox, Dreams Meanings Starting with O

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