Dreams Meanings Symbols between Offering and Opinions

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Offering

    To dream of an offering that you are extending or making to somebody symbolizes to love, to recognize or to ratify the value or the work carried out...

  • Office

    Dreaming of directing an office is alerted that ambitions of progress are had, without caring the means that you use to carry out them...

  • Office chairs

    To dream of office chairs represents necessity of rest or of taking some days of vacations...

  • Office Pins

    To dream of office pins means a desire, a matter or an idea that it showed during many days and constantly...

  • Officer

    Dreaming of a career officer is omened a next ascent with high benefits due to obtained merits...

  • Offspring

    To dream of the offspring means to drift, you work hard and a lot of love for a happy future...

  • Ogre

    To dream of an ogre represents bad humor or answers without meditating people that surround you...

  • Oil

    Dreaming of oil spilled in the floor is alerted the possible irreparable loss of a very dear person...

  • Oil Change

    To dream of an oil change represents something very moved in the life that will make you get better the health, the personal aspect or the economy...

  • Oil Spill

    To dream of an oil spill expresses a risk or a problem that it can be very serious if it is not solved in an immediate way...

  • Ointment

    To dream of the ointment symbolizes a reparative process, a miraculous cure or a stimulating visit for your soul...

  • Oklahoma

    To dream of Oklahoma, the state of U...

  • Old

    To dream of an old cabinet means nostalgia for your childhood and the memory of pleasing moments with your family...

  • Old Fashioned Cars

    To dream of old fashioned cars means taking of decision skilled and quick but very well thought...

  • Old Man or Old Woman

    To dream of an old man or old woman represents to gather all the wisdom of the world or all the spiritual power of the men...

  • Olives

    To dream of olives indicates that you can try to make a low diet in calories to regulate your weight...

  • Olympics

    To dream of the Olympics sample good preparation for complicated goals in the work or in the realization of activities outdoors...

  • Om

    To dream of the mantra Om it represents to summon the interior peace, the mystic tranquility and it completes that you need to choose or to carry out your steps well in the life current...

  • Omelet

    To dream of an omelet indicates the betrayal, the feigning or the reinforcement flattery that a person uses with another person...

  • One

    To dream of the one means your desire and satisfactory acting to achieve the victory in your professional career...

  • One Eyed

    To dream of one eyed to the bill bank personnel means that you are a planned person and it attempts to the necessities of your family...

  • Onions

    To dream of onions represents sadness, envy, malice and continuous cry as consequence of achievements or victories of other people...

  • Onyx

    To dream of an onyx points out spiritual and mental harmony or a great serenity that you allows make complex tasks in your benefit and of other people...

  • Opal

    To dream of an opal symbolizes the levels of the sexuality or of the desires largely thought...

  • Opening

    To dream of the opening of an event means new activities, different projects and developers...

  • Opera

    To dream of an opera means an argument or ideas of situations that one is living or that they approach...

  • Opera Singer

    To dream of an opera singer omens to listen pleasant news, beneficial information or a technical favorable verdict...

  • Operation

    To dream of an operation means the necessity to get something away from your surroundings, particularly in trade, health or finances areas...

  • Operator

    Dreaming of an operator of a machine in a foundry is represented the necessity of your help to somebody well-known that needs you...

  • Opinions

    Dreaming of diverse opinions is omened disagreements and disturbances in your company soon...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 127

Offering, Office, Office chairs, Office Pins, Officer, Offspring, Ogre, Oil, Oil Change, Oil Spill, Ointment, Oklahoma, Old, Old Fashioned Cars, Old Man or Old Woman, Olives, Olympics, Om, Omelet, One, One Eyed, Onions, Onyx, Opal, Opening, Opera, Opera Singer, Operation, Operator, Opinions, Dreams Meanings Starting with O

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.