Dreams Meanings Symbols between Ornament and Overdraft

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Ornament

    Dreaming of an ornament in the door of your house for Christmas is omened the capacity of beautifying your environment and the collaboration with your colleagues when they need of your help...

  • Orphan

    To dream of an orphan means growth of your debits, abundance of bank disposition to give you credits and necessity of having a balanced feeding of vitamins and minerals...

  • Orphanage

    To dream of an orphanage means protection and tranquility in the studies or in the work generally...

  • Orphanage or Being Orphaned

    Dreaming of an orphanage is omened the arrival from a dangerous epidemic to your neighborhood that should be avoided...

  • Orthodontist

    An ortodoncista in a dream represents the concern on the control of the health, of the personal expenses or of the education of your young relatives...

  • Osama Bin Laden

    To dream of Osama Bin Laden could represent situations or premonitions negative that can ruin good things for everything and for everybody...

  • Ostrich

    To dream of an ostrich represents escape, fear, quick solution of a matter or problem that it could fix or to deny some reality of the current world...

  • Otter

    Dreaming of an otter is represented the ability and the dexterity that it will be shown in a task that will offer pleasure and wealth...

  • Otters

    Dreaming of otters swimming in a river is omened to pay attention to your relationships and to analyze them you stop this way not to fall in the game of your enemies...

  • Ottoman

    To dream of an Ottoman means the return from a very old memory to your mind related with some customs or habits of the family...

  • Ouija Board

    To dream of an Ouija board expresses difficulties for the limitless pleasure, priorities personal mistaken and high superstition...

  • Ouija Boards

    Dreaming of Ouija boards is represented the premonitions about near dangers, on the loss of an information or the doubt on third...

  • Out-of-body Experience

    To dream of an out-of-body experience means a next critical state of health or a period of psychological extreme tension...

  • Outbreak

    To dream of the outbreak of a war represents the saturation, the rupture or the height of a tension prolonged in the time...

  • Outcast

    Dreaming of outcast by many people is omened a lot of observation and very open eyes before some physical nuisance or pain in you in next months...

  • Outer Space

    To dream of the outer space indicates the sudden appearance of something or somebody of the nothing and that one needs to know to specify their characteristics and particularities...

  • Outhouse

    An outhouse in a dream indicates rejection, exclusion or expulsion of something that affects you or it damages you and it needs to disappear forever...

  • Outlaw

    An outlaw in a dream it represents that pursued, what is low control to be complicated by his danger, to be illegal or to be unacceptable to the society...

  • Outlaws

    Dreaming of outlaws that run for a remote place is represented the abandonment or the disappearance of a help or support that somebody has given you per years...

  • Outlet

    An outlet point in a dream means a creative potential, a very powerful will or a steel disposition to achieve your objectives...

  • Outside

    Dreaming of being outside of your house omens independence, emancipation and autonomy to take the reins of your destination generally...

  • Oval

    Dreaming of an oval figure is symbolized the prosperity, the development and the fecundity that you will be able to offer to the family and other people during the next months...

  • Ovaries

    To dream of the ovaries personalizes the greatness and the desire of bringing a boy to the world...

  • Oven

    To dream of an oven of mud means lack of efficiency in the work and low yield in your results...

  • Oven Mitts

    To dream of oven mitts represents the handling of a passionate circumstance or complex matter in a successful way in your life...

  • Overall

    To dream of having overall certainty of some business means security, fullness and integrity in the future project of your company...

  • Overalls

    To dream of overalls represents a desire to fix or to correct something inevitable...

  • Overcoat

    To dream of a overcoat , signifies you will experience the ill effects of converseness, displayed by others...

  • Overdose

    To dream of an overdose means dependence to something or somebody, weakness in the face of things or fear without limits for all that happens around to your...

  • Overdraft

    Dreaming of an overdraft in the bank accounts is reflected the ignorance of an important matter that it will affect your decisions soon...

Dreams 91 - 120 of 127

Ornament, Orphan, Orphanage, Orphanage or Being Orphaned, Orthodontist, Osama Bin Laden, Ostrich, Otter, Otters, Ottoman, Ouija Board, Ouija Boards, Out-of-body Experience, Outbreak, Outcast, Outer Space, Outhouse, Outlaw, Outlaws, Outlet, Outside, Oval, Ovaries, Oven, Oven Mitts, Overall, Overalls, Overcoat, Overdose, Overdraft, Dreams Meanings Starting with O

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.