Dreams Meanings Symbols between Hooks and Hot Dog

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Hooks

    To dream of hooks used to adjust your hair means that soon it will be involved in annoying commitments difficult to avoid...

  • Hoopoe

    Dreaming of a hoopoe that walks in your garden is omened a strong personal crisis or a betrayal by envy...

  • Hopscotch

    To dream of playing to the hopscotch demonstrates an almost infantile uneasiness for a new work or an unexpected and pleasant love, as well as the doubt or the indecision in an adult...

  • Horizon

    To dream of the horizon demonstrates the limitless potential of your life or the big surprises that it keeps you the life in very little time...

  • Horn

    To dream of a rhinoceros horn means that it is at this time in an advantageous position on your rivals...

  • Horned Animals

    Dreaming of horned animals pasturing in your neighborhood's park is omened an aspect of your personality that cannot be appropriately expert except at an instinctive level...

  • Hornets

    The hornets in a dream can reflect the necessity to be alert to robbery intent in your house in next days...

  • Horns

    To dream of a person or creature with horns represents your knowledge of negative matters, of evil intentions or incorrect actions...

  • Horse

    A horse symbolizes the force, the vitality, the speed, and the resistance, as well as the fidelity above all what shows up day by day...

  • Horse Race

    To dream of a horse race means that it feels capable and strong or it challenges your physique and your will to achieve something...

  • Horseback Riding

    Dreaming of a horseback riding to weekend in good company is omened your capacity of dominating your instincts in all moment...

  • Horseman

    To see a horseman in a dream expresses a moment complicated in your life that it will demand you domain of yourself and forces to leave it...

  • Horsemeat

    If the horsemeat is not consumed in your culture, then to dream of this type of meat represents a situation that you should know in an urgent way...

  • Horseradish

    If you dream of a horseradish it demonstrates the existence of bitter truths in your life that you cannot avoid...

  • Horses

    To dream of Arab horses means an alert or edginess for some news that wants, but that not yet it arrives...

  • Horseshoe

    The horseshoe is a sign of the good luck in many cultures; therefore, the horseshoe is a decoration in doors and windows of houses and businesses, are a symbol to impel the will and the desire toward important goals...

  • Hose

    Dreaming of a garden hose is omened a next celebration in the family by positive results in your company...

  • Hospital

    Dreaming of a hospital of your city is omened that you are suffering of some illness that you have not assisted fearing the results...

  • Hospital Bed

    To dream of a hospital bed represents dedication in your work or deep focus to achieve your goals totally...

  • Hospital Parking Lot

    To dream of a hospital parking lot represents the problems to heal, to solve or to progress that they will be solved completely...

  • Hospitality

    To dream of the hospitality expresses an action that will move stone hearts or incredulous people...

  • Hospitals

    Dreaming of hospitals in construction is omened that you are suffering some illness that has not been assisted with dedication...

  • Hostage

    Dreaming of hostage is omened near danger that should try of avoiding causing a collateral damage of graveness...

  • Hostages

    To dream of hostages’ means that you will reason in some made error that it will rectify immediately...

  • Hostel

    To dream of a hostel manifests rest, privacy and moderation when making use of your power and personal control...

  • Hostility

    To dream of the hostility of somebody or of something it means demonstrate an aggression or a surprise unpleasant and accidental...

  • Hot

    If you dream of a very hot bonfire in a camping site in the middle of summer you will reflect that you affirm the necessity of being attracted by somebody of your interest in some days...

  • Hot Air Balloon

    To dream of a hot air balloon represents high creativity of ideas or great emotion for a personal positive situation...

  • Hot Chocolate

    To dream of a battery symbolizes the spirit and the vigor of the existence, the energy of maintaining the things in their place and working correctly...

  • Hot Dog

    To dream of a hot dog symbolizes the phallus thing or the masculinity...

Dreams 211 - 240 of 276

Hooks, Hoopoe, Hopscotch, Horizon, Horn, Horned Animals, Hornets, Horns, Horse, Horse Race, Horseback Riding, Horseman, Horsemeat, Horseradish, Horses, Horseshoe, Hose, Hospital, Hospital Bed, Hospital Parking Lot, Hospitality, Hospitals, Hostage, Hostages, Hostel, Hostility, Hot, Hot Air Balloon, Hot Chocolate, Hot Dog, Dreams Meanings Starting with H

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.