Dreams Meanings Starting with H

Search meanings of Dreams

  • H Letter

    The H letter in a dream is a symbol of cooperation, balance and work in team generally...

  • Hack

    To dream of a hack means the materialization of taking a trip to a place wanted from the childhood...

  • Hacking

    Free online dream interpretation of Hacking. Understand the meaning of Hacking in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Hacking dream.

  • Hag

    Dreaming of a hag is alerted loss, change and deterioration of something that feels emotionally or physically out at the moment...

  • Haggard

    Dreaming of a haggard person is omened a nightmare or difficult situation with palpable physical affectation...

  • Haggling

    To dream that you are having haggling and dealing with friends and family recommends that you will confront a move or vocation shift...

  • Hagstone

    To dream of discovering hag stone means the proximity of a charming person or manipulator of the life of any person...

  • Hail

    Dreaming of a rain of hail seeks advice to stay up-to-date of the international mercantile movement during this whole weekend...

  • Hair

    To dream of hair represents a moment of calm and easiness emotional total in company to each other people very related...

  • Hair Curlers

    To dream of the hair curlers represents an idea that wants to improve notably, a thought desire that it will maintain for a while so that it is summed up...

  • Hair Dryer

    To dream of a hair dryer speaks of the search of energies to face conflicts and to allow that the nature also takes its course...

  • Hair Loss

    The hair loss observed in a dream to represent something that will make you lose the trust, will affect in the self-esteem or it will affect your vitality...

  • Haircut

    To dream of a haircut means that you are supporting something unpleasant, a matter that weakens it and it diminishes their will...

  • Hairdresser

    To dream of a hairdresser means good pleasure, effort, dedication and high self-esteem...

  • Hairnet

    To dream of a hairnet means to escape from some truth or matter, to be pleasant but irresponsible or to maintain a position of approaches or behaviors in the face of the life...

  • Hairpiece

    To dream of a hairpiece means to hide a well-known matter, to defend of something or to be shown attractiveness and willing to begin everything again...

  • Hairpin

    Dreaming of a hairpin is ahead the necessity to put order and cleaning in all your matters and immediately...

  • Hairspray

    To dream of the hairspray applied in a recently cut hair indicates security in the future steps, firm attitude with the challenges of the life and fidelity front of the social commitments...

  • Hairy

    Dreaming of a hairy animal the loss of your freedom is noticed, that achieved or the control that possesses of your work or house...

  • Half

    To dream of the half of something it represents that an aspect in your life that it will need of reflection or reorientation with accurately and security...

  • Hall

    To dream of a hall means the necessity to prepare or to begin something that you should make to obtain something that want...

  • Hall Of Fame

    Dreaming of a hall of fame is represented the nostalgia on your past or the desire of obtaining an achievement yet or a very big recognition to enjoy with the family...

  • Halloween

    Free online dream interpretation of Halloween. Understand the meaning of Halloween in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Halloween dream.

  • Halloween Costume

    Halloween Costume dream uncovers the plan of concealing our sentiments, feelings and yearnings to delude others...

  • Hallucination

    Dreaming of a hallucination is omened that you will administer your forces and knowledge wisely to avoid exhaustions and unnecessary stress...

  • Hallway

    To dream of a hallway represents a transition or a change in the way of that one thinks or you act on a circumstance of the life...

  • Hallways

    Dreaming of hallways of very big houses is represented the steps to give for a person or a group of friends to arrive to a very coveted goal...

  • Halo

    To dream that you have a halo suggests that you will be able to reach recognition or a prize for your human quality demonstrated before another people in a way unconscious...

  • Halter

    Dreaming of a halter that puts to your arm is omened the unforgivable forgetfulness from your lawyer to a citation of the tribunal of your parish or county...

  • Ham

    Dreaming of smoky ham on your table is omened that you will be able to maintain your employment in a stable way but with fewer wages than the last year...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 276

H Letter, Hack, Hacking, Hag, Haggard, Haggling, Hagstone, Hail, Hair, Hair Curlers, Hair Dryer, Hair Loss, Haircut, Hairdresser, Hairnet, Hairpiece, Hairpin, Hairspray, Hairy, Half, Hall, Hall Of Fame, Halloween, Halloween Costume, Hallucination, Hallway, Hallways, Halo, Halter, Ham, Dreams Meanings Starting with H

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.