Dreams Meanings Starting with E

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  • E Letter

    To dream of the E letter it means that you have problems at the present time with your decisions for your great responsibility...

  • Eagle

    An eagle symbolizes to the people Native American, as well as her great importance and place when to dream all wise man and woman of those people of that creature of the summits...

  • Eagles

    To dream that you are viewing a eagle symbolizes respectability, pride, furiousness, flexibility, predominance, valor and remarkable learned limit...

  • Ear Studs

    To dream of ear studs that you will give to your wife means that you will have a work and important business in the future...

  • Earlobe

    To dream of the earlobe indicates vicinity of a love affair or high interest of the libido or of the sexual energy latent...

  • Earplugs

    The earplugs in a dream demonstrate the desire to give up a matter or to take very far away from the same one in the real life...

  • Earrings

    An earring symbolizes fecundity, protection, calling to rain, sexual attraction, success and frustration for millennial cultures...

  • Ears

    If you dream of the ears of a rabbit it symbolizes that you should pay more attention under the care of your children and the pursuit of your qualifications in the school...

  • Earth

    The earth has symbolic numerous papers in diverse cultural and towns of the world to always cause to dream of matters of very wide profile...

  • Earthquake

    To dream of an earthquake represents the occurrence of an event in your life that will reorganize all included one the simplest or common things and it will make disappearing things very solids...

  • Earthquakes

    To dream of earthquakes represents reorganization, transformation or loss in a total and unexpected way when breaking the stability...

  • Earthworm

    To dream of an earthworm indicates prosperity in your businesses, multiplication of the earnings and increase of personal energies...

  • Earthworms

    To dream of earthworms represents to prefer something very common before to stay waiting for something surprising unreachable...

  • Earwax

    To dream of the earwax is sign of powerful protection, necessity of check your health or to put more attention to people with those that you are related...

  • Earwig

    To see an earwig in your dream implies repulsive news that will influence both your expert and family circles...

  • Earwigs

    To dream of expressions earwigs demands to specify details as if the person is known, if it is expressed in an unknown place or if it is at night or by day...

  • East

    To dream that you are in road to the east demonstrates a very deep sagacity inside your soul and a great perception with relationship to the birth of the sun daily...

  • Easter

    To dream of Easter means the elimination of your limitations, concerns and fears of the past in a pleasant and gradual way...

  • Easter Egg

    To dream of easter eggs means emotions about how great it is that somebody needed you to discover something uncommon...

  • Easter Eggs

    Free online dream interpretation of Easter Eggs. Understand the meaning of Easter Eggs in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Easter Eggs dream.

  • Eating

    Dreaming of being eating in a deluxe restaurant it alerts the payment of all your debts with your wages of the following two months...

  • Eating Contest

    To dream of an eating contest demonstrates capacity, possibility and victory to succeed in complicated goals cooking, to eat, to build or to design something to obtain a prize...

  • Eavesdropping

    Dreaming of eavesdropping a person notices suspicion, mistrust and disappointment for a dear individual...

  • Eavestroughing

    Dreaming of being eaves troughing of some houses is represented the confrontation and victory on complex matters...

  • Ebay

    To dream of eBay represents the easiness and ability that you have and you should develop for the purchase and sale of products in the market where you work...

  • Ebony

    Dreaming of an ebony tree is omened a good attention from you to the old men of your family without exhaustions or nuisances...

  • Echo

    To dream of an echo it omens the possibility to repeat a very pleasant action or of enjoying an unforgettable moment of your life again...

  • Eclipse

    To dream of an eclipse of sun means that soon there will be some problems, although not durable, in the matters that are managing...

  • Ecstasy

    To dream of the ecstasy indicates the pleasure, the joy with your partners and family in all the moments of the life...

  • Edge

    To dream of the edge of a sharp object represents premonitions of risks, pressures or situations that could have a potential danger...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 167

E Letter, Eagle, Eagles, Ear Studs, Earlobe, Earplugs, Earrings, Ears, Earth, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Earthworm, Earthworms, Earwax, Earwig, Earwigs, East, Easter, Easter Egg, Easter Eggs, Eating, Eating Contest, Eavesdropping, Eavestroughing, Ebay, Ebony, Echo, Eclipse, Ecstasy, Edge, Dreams Meanings Starting with E

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.