Dreams Meanings Symbols between Exchange and Extension Cord
Search meanings of Dreams
Dreaming of couple's exchange is predicted desires of sex groups and promiscuity that can affect your health reproducer in a non distant future...
Dreaming of excrement is omened to be near your boss to know the next adjustments of the insole of having used detailed...
To dream of the execution of somebody for unjustified causes means that your enemies or competitors are trying to harm it...
Dreaming of an executive in a work meeting is omened that it is the hour of beginning to work better for a future...
Exercise Room / Weight Room
Dreaming of an exercise room is represented a possible increment of something in your patrimony or of somebody in the family...
Exhaust Pipe
To better comprehend the exhaust Pipe dream you may advantage from first attempting to comprehend the imagery for autos, which is an impression of choice making style...
To dream of being exhausted means failure, disillusion and disappointment for somebody in who trusted and it didn't turn out to be true...
To dream of an exhumed body means to exhume old bitterness for situations of difficult solution...
Dreaming of the exile is indicated estrangement of your things, of your friends or relatives for well-known reasons and without rectification possibilities or improvement...
To dream of an exit means the concession of an escape or an opportunity to your personal situations to overcome them...
To dream of the exorcism represents liberation of negative things in the life or demonstration of positive capacity before conflicts or problems...
To dream of the expense means some pending debt with the bank that should liquidate immediately...
Dreaming of a biological experiment is omened that the work that you carried out at the present time is very good and grateful...
Dreaming of the expiration of something or somebody is represented the conclusion, closing or termination in the time of an object or valuable sign...
To dream of an explosion represents a loss or something negative in the private matters or publics that don't go well or it has some difficulty...
Dreaming of an express train is omened the decision of several of your colleagues of supporting to your company before a situation of financial crisis...
Extension Cord
To dream of an extension cord indicates necessary bond to maintain or strong relationship with something or somebody...
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