Dreams Meanings Symbols between Break Up and Brothel

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Break Up

    To dream of to break up or to interrupt something suggests that there is an aspect in your life that requires get better or improvement by means of your personal own effort...

  • Break-In

    To dream that somebody break-in to a place represents the rupture of a commitment, the appearance of something unpleasant or the attempted of leaving something...

  • Breakdown

    Dreaming of a breakdown in your television the proximity of a situation is omened that will prove the quality of the friends that has at the moment...

  • Breakfast

    To dream of the breakfast implies that you are about to receive a message of promising events in next days...

  • Breakup

    Dreaming of a breakup of a social relationship is represented the loss of the heat and the human affection of something valuable...

  • Breast Pump

    To dream of a breast pump proposes you are feeling starved for affection and fondness...

  • Breastfeeding

    Dreaming of breastfeeding, such dream demonstrates warmth, parenthood and honesty...

  • Breasts

    To dream of the breasts means sexual repressed desires, a brilliant sense of good humor or to be incorrect nurtured or eating for lack of care...

  • Breath

    To dream of the process of breath of a person represents the reception of a message or sign that it will stimulate your private and publics matters...

  • Breathalyzer Test

    To dream of a breathalyzer test represents the violation of a norm or established regulation, as well as the easiness for something missing or out of order...

  • Breathe

    To dream of breathe the first air of the morning next to a cup of very fragrant coffee means to remember that passed with love and to want the best thing here and now...

  • Breathing

    Dreaming of the breathing of your lungs is foreseen that it has particularly positive conditions for the evolution of your matters in these moments...

  • Breeze

    To dream of a breeze symbolizes possible change of ideas or projects, as well as the alteration of small things or of behaviors in the course of some days...

  • Bribery

    To dream of a bribe represents premonitions it has more than enough rupture of rules or of the personal integrity that you/they will damage in an important way their life...

  • Brick

    To dream of a brick means strength, potency and imagination personal occupied in making all step-by-step but without stopping...

  • Bricks

    Dreaming of bricks of being tiled omens the next delivery from your constructive project to a hotel chain...

  • Bride

    Dreaming of a bride in the altar of a church is one of the biggest signs and common of friendship, love and affection...

  • Bridesmaids

    To dream of bridesmaids represents the sign of a good opportunity that will cause a great change in your life...

  • Bridge

    To dream that you are crossing a bridge indicates that you have arrived to an important crossroad and you should make an unique decision...

  • Bridges

    To dream of bridges on a river is means a change toward that ignored and unforeseeable...

  • Briefcase

    To dream that you see or convey a Briefcase means your level or planning having a circumstance or situation...

  • Bright

    To dream of the bright present in something means the quality, the sanctity, the mysticism or the will of improving in all the facets of the life...

  • Brimmed Hat

    To dream of a brimmed hat could reflect necessity of protection or good humor for your attitude of collaboration and help for people...

  • British People

    To dream of British people walking for your neighborhood's park means recognition to your creativity or the grant of a well remunerated but technically complicated employment...

  • Broadway Show

    To dream of a Broadway show represents fantasy, unreality, camouflaging of things and affairs...

  • Broccoli

    To dream of the broccoli represents health, care of the health and wisdom when selecting what he needs for your benefit...

  • Broken Glass

    To dream of a broken glass represents an unfulfilled promise or an expectation not materialized by not having been very organized...

  • Bronze

    Dreaming of a bronze statue is alerted that you will receive an invitation to participate in a protection society and defense to the adolescence including foods of social benefit...

  • Broom

    Dreaming of a broom is demonstrated the necessity of cleaning, to change or to organize your life and to fix all that it has not been able to make you in years...

  • Brothel

    To dream of a brothel symbolizes selfishness, excess of carrying out actions incorrect or low principles in the face of the interest of the money...

Dreams 451 - 480 of 543

Break Up, Break-In, Breakdown, Breakfast, Breakup, Breast Pump, Breastfeeding, Breasts, Breath, Breathalyzer Test, Breathe, Breathing, Breeze, Bribery, Brick, Bricks, Bride, Bridesmaids, Bridge, Bridges, Briefcase, Bright, Brimmed Hat, British People, Broadway Show, Broccoli, Broken Glass, Bronze, Broom, Brothel, Dreams Meanings Starting with B

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.