Dreams Meanings Symbols between Bookshelf and Bowling Pin

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Bookshelf

    To dream of a bookshelf is a symbol of the diverse possibilities that you have to work or your interior wide identity that allows being very reflexive with all the people...

  • Boomerang

    A dream where you is seeing or pitching a boomerang expresses obtaining of a desire or something mediating an important and defensive effort...

  • Booster Cables

    To dream of booster cables means the force and power of a very opportune help that it will allow a resurgence of your last ideas...

  • Boot Camp

    To dream of a boot camp is premonition of good health, control of your body and to be prepared to carry out any activity or task...

  • Bootlegger

    A bootlegger of liquors in a dream means the realization of something not very common or illegal of little importance and related with the daily life...

  • Boots

    To dream of to see or to use boots means a strong trust in yourself, as well as to be audacious and confident without limits...

  • Border

    A dream in which you go or crosses a frontier it means that you are crossing new matters or very risky and important situations...

  • Borg

    Dreaming of borg is alerted an increase of your mental and physical capacities after a new nutritious treatment...

  • Borrow

    Dreaming of borrow something is represented a dependence behavior toward the money or to the action of shopping constantly...

  • Bosom

    To dream of the bosom of a person will have an important meaning if you observes it completely naked and with imprecise sex...

  • Boss

    To dream of a boss means authority, hierarchy and it disciplines...

  • Boston

    To dream of Boston represents a social important interaction, the right of feeling free or to stay with others in the elaboration of something important for the rest of other people...

  • Bottle

    To dream of a bottle of water means cleaning, neatness and excellence in matters of business and games of chance for always...

  • Bottled Water

    To dream of bottled water represents health, protection and hygiene traditionally...

  • Bottomless Pit

    To dream of a bottomless pit means that you are eating too much and this can bring fatal consequences to your health...

  • Boulder

    To see a boulder in a dream means the proximity of an obstacle difficult to conquer but that it will be stimulating to overcome...

  • Bounce House

    Dreaming of a bounce house is noticed of energy lack and capacity to face difficult situations...

  • Bound

    If you dream of being bound to listen you have an opportunity to develop your work with brilliant ideas...

  • Boundaries

    Dreaming of the boundaries among countries is omened to take as area of your attention the daily effort to improve your work with all seriousness and serenity...

  • Boundary

    To dream of a boundary represents a source of strength and unit, of ability and convincing negotiation between two or more parts...

  • Bouquet

    To dream of a bouquet of flowers means attention, friendship or love in a limitless way for people near and well-known perfectly...

  • Boutonniere

    To dream of a boutonniere represents the enjoyment of some special occasion in company of chosen or important people...

  • Bow

    To dream of the bow of a person means that you have undergone the rules imposed by your director in these moments...

  • Bow and Arrow

    To see a bow and arrow in your dream symbolizes the femaleness and the masculinity when they fuse together in a place and opportune moment...

  • Bowel Movement

    To dream about bowel movement implies that you are effectively disposing of your old propensities/ways and intuition designs...

  • Bowing

    To dream of bowing represents recognition or respect for your bigger relatives...

  • Bowl

    To see a bowl in your dream represents the last time in your life like a long and difficult trip...

  • Bowl Cut

    Dreaming of a bowl cut of simple and old style is represented the limitation or the prejudices on the application from some novel ideas to your house or work...

  • Bowling

    To dream of the bowling represents their exceptional abilities in the solution of problems in your business...

  • Bowling Pin

    To see a bowling pin in a dream means a matter that should be treated with extreme care or with tact when being approached or criticized...

Dreams 391 - 420 of 543

Bookshelf, Boomerang, Booster Cables, Boot Camp, Bootlegger, Boots, Border, Borg, Borrow, Bosom, Boss, Boston, Bottle, Bottled Water, Bottomless Pit, Boulder, Bounce House, Bound, Boundaries, Boundary, Bouquet, Boutonniere, Bow, Bow and Arrow, Bowel Movement, Bowing, Bowl, Bowl Cut, Bowling, Bowling Pin, Dreams Meanings Starting with B

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.