Dreams Meanings Symbols between Black and White and Blind Date

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Black and White

    To dream of the combination from the black and white when dressing means that you have fears for a complicated matter with your family that should solve...

  • Black Cat

    To see a black cat in a dream means problem or difficult complex or almost mystic but feasible to solve with a lot of creativity...

  • Black Eye

    To have a black eye in a dream symbolizes the defeat in something, the elimination of something necessary or to be not well valued in a complex matter...

  • Black Hole

    To dream of a black hole symbolizes to be afraid to that ignored, to not sure, to the possibility of disappearing or to be forgotten generally...

  • Black Magic

    To experience the black magic in a dream it omens to carry out something almost impossible or to transform an unfavorable situation in positive to you...

  • Black People

    To dream of the black people represents to contact with the happiness and the song from the deepest in a people that sustains their happiness, fights against the injustice and stimulates to walk together to avoid jealousies, rejection or high self-respect before the other ones...

  • Black Widow

    To dream of a black widow symbolizes concern for somebody or for a non clear matter or of unknown origin...

  • Blackberries

    Dreaming of the blackberries is omened a total change with relationship to the disordered form of living that you have some months ago...

  • Blackbird

    To see a blackbird in your dream is a sign of bad luck if it is alone and silent on a tree; while it is the opposite if it looks cheerful and singing melodiously...

  • Blackboard

    To dream of a blackboard symbolizes knowledge, wisdom and recall of matters, topics and important memories for your life of work or familiar...

  • Blackheads

    To dream of a blackhead (a dark blocked pore on the face) represents a subjective shameful reflection of the image or the person's appearance, of their physical appearance, of their physical health or insecurity, of a topic or personal problem that it doesn’t want that it is of public knowledge...

  • Blackmail

    To dream of blackmail represents the strong pressure of somebody on your matters to extract benefits or to damage your matters at the present time...

  • Blackout

    To experience a blackout in a dream indicates that you are isolated or concerned of something that could be resolved civilizable with another person...

  • Blacksmith

    To dream of a blacksmith is a sign of resistance and courage, of creativity and forces in the road to fix or to adjust complex matters...

  • Bladder

    To feel the full bladder in a dream symbolizes to have the necessity to expel of your life negative thoughts that you don't help you in your professional development...

  • Blade

    Dreaming of a blade of knife is represented to have the necessity of some elections to carry out two tasks of vital importance...

  • Blades

    To dream of blades of steel represents the separation or the farewell of something very necessary or loved of your life...

  • Blame

    To experience the existence of a blame usually puts tension and pressure in people while the reasons are not eliminated that give it origin...

  • Blanket

    To dream of a blanket represents the comfort, the console, and the protection of everything that it bothers you generally...

  • Blankness

    To dream of blankness in a certain place means the absence of something valuable, necessary or indispensable in your daily life...

  • Blazer

    To dream of a blazer represents the state of the behave of the person, the individual's projections in the near future and possibilities or limitations to make an idea...

  • Bleach

    To dream of to see or to use bleach is a sign of purification, improvement and good end to solve matters that were not rectified totally...

  • Bleachers

    If you dream of bleachers, you are experiencing difficulty deciding on a choice, or you are torn between two clashing perspectives or feelings...

  • Bleeding

    A dream about a bleeding means the loss of the force, the personal resistance or a night walk difficult next to your friends...

  • Blender

    To see a blender in your dream symbolizes your capacity to mix different thoughts into an amicable entirety...

  • Blessing

    A dream where it offers or it is received a blessing it represents loss of the faith or a lapses in your memory that will prevent to obtain a great victory...

  • Blessings

    The blessings repeated in a dream represent happiness, tranquility, balance and peace in your personal matters...

  • Blimp

    To dream of a blimp represents the satisfaction of to make simple and beautiful things or to be able to be implied in interesting experiences in the life...

  • Blind

    To dream of a blind man means the necessity of help or collaboration and the disposition of giving it in a clear and direct way...

  • Blind Date

    Dreaming of blind date is alerted of the necessity of knowing somebody with the appropriate characteristics to share your life...

Dreams 271 - 300 of 543

Black and White, Black Cat, Black Eye, Black Hole, Black Magic, Black People, Black Widow, Blackberries, Blackbird, Blackboard, Blackheads, Blackmail, Blackout, Blacksmith, Bladder, Blade, Blades, Blame, Blanket, Blankness, Blazer, Bleach, Bleachers, Bleeding, Blender, Blessing, Blessings, Blimp, Blind, Blind Date, Dreams Meanings Starting with B

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.