Dreams Meanings Symbols between Unicorns and Uterus

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Unicorns

    To dream of a colored square with unicorns means approaches opposed in your family that should solve immediately to avoid a complicated situation...

  • Unicycle

    To be traveling in an unicycle in a dream represents to meditate, to influence or something that is controlled with the good desires of going forward always...

  • Uniform

    Dreaming of a military uniform is omens the presence of your company like special guest in an European international fair...

  • Uniforms

    Dreaming of military uniforms the desire is suggested of having friendship or relationships in the official means to obtain some type of help...

  • Union

    To dream of the union of the workers of your company means success, work in team and positive remuneration collectively...

  • Unisex

    To dream of services or attentions unisex represents fullness, lack of prejudices and a wide focus of the personal and public things...

  • United Nations

    To dream of the United Nations means cooperation, peace and security in the domestic matters for all your existence...

  • United States Of America

    Dreaming of United States of America is omened development, progress, projects and ascent in your labor life and professional in these moments...

  • Universe

    Dreaming of the universe is omened successes in your financial life in a near future...

  • University

    Dreaming of a university is represented the necessity of to learn or to perfect work abilities or to strengthen an important project...

  • Unknown

    Dreaming of an unknown playing in the door of your house it omens that it is making errors as for your affective relationships...

  • Unmarried

    To dream of unmarried man of your family means that your current marriage doesn't satisfy you and it should look for a solution to this matter...

  • Unwrap

    This dream are representative of abilities and talents...

  • Up

    Dreaming of going up a street costs up is omened an overlapped power it but finally to be able to, what will stimulate your person to meditate a little about the opportunities and possibilities of your life...

  • UPC Barcode

    To dream of a UPC barcode (Universal Product Code) means the premonition of an important purchase or of a spectacular gift for your house...

  • Upholstery

    To dream of the upholstery of a piece of furniture represents work, creation and to improve the things like they are for the benefit of many people...

  • Uproot

    To dream of to uproot a plant and to sow it in another place means that your future will bring surprises and they will be to your favor...

  • Upside Down

    To dream that you are in upside down represents that there is a problem that should be ignored or to carry out something without logic in a deliberate way...

  • Uranus

    To dream of Uranus means the singularity, the independence, the autonomy, and the creativity so much for the well as for the wrong...

  • Urinal

    To dream of an urinal represents the adversity in your relationships and in your daily life, as well as the desire to take out useless things his surroundings...

  • Urination

    To dream of urination behind a tree means that you will receive a good advice of a friend in these days...

  • Urn

    Dreaming of a glass urn is predicted next invitation or notification to a marriage of some friends...

  • US Mail Box

    Dreaming of a US mailbox is omened the satisfaction of the work carried out during years in the same company, with benefits and incredible considerations...

  • US Visa

    To dream of the U...

  • Usher

    A dream in which you are an usher symbolizes your desire to take care to other and of helping the fellow-being giving constant samples of the detachment like principle of life...

  • USS Enterprise

    Dreaming of the USS Enterprise is omened to be able to, domain and control on your business totally...

  • Utensils

    To dream of utensils insinuates creativity, inspiration, enthusiasm when making the things well and interest in being professional in all moment...

  • Uterus

    To dream of an uterus can make reference to a successful next childbirth or a creative energy that it will show very soon in an incredible way...

Dreams 31 - 58 of 58

Unicorns, Unicycle, Uniform, Uniforms, Union, Unisex, United Nations, United States Of America, Universe, University, Unknown, Unmarried, Unwrap, Up, UPC Barcode, Upholstery, Uproot, Upside Down, Uranus, Urinal, Urination, Urn, US Mail Box, US Visa, Usher, USS Enterprise, Utensils, Uterus, Dreams Meanings Starting with U

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