Dreams Meanings Starting with U

Search meanings of Dreams

  • U Letter

    The U letter in a dream it represents the comprehensive, the wide or the extensive that it never culminates ends up or concludes...

  • U-Turn

    To make a U-turn during your dream indicates path change in the life or total transformation in the ideas or objectives...

  • UFO

    To dream of an UFO represents that you have to find a stronger and firmer purpose in all your matters and in the objectives of your life...

  • Ugliness

    The ugliness of somebody or of something in a dream is not related directly with the physical attributes of anybody neither of anything...

  • Ugly

    Dreaming of an ugly individual around you is represented an uncomfortable aspect that could damage your matters or a situation that it will cause you repulsion or annoyance...

  • Ukraine

    To feel Ukraine in your dreams means the enjoyment of a great one party in Christmas with many flakes of snow in the surroundings...

  • Ukrainian People

    Dreaming of Ukrainian people working in your fertile plains is omened perseverance, effort and faith in the future without looking behind...

  • Ulcer

    To dream of an ulcer represents the loss of the health, of the protection or of the quality of life at the moment...

  • Ultrasound

    To dream of witnessing an ultrasound suggests that you want an important information on somebody or something that they worry to you today...

  • Ultrasound Test

    To dream of an ultrasound test means necessity to meditate on a personal action to carry out or to clean your more intimate emotions...

  • Umbilical Cord

    To dream of an umbilical cord means the way to the life, the route of your personal aspirations or the purposes drifted by you per years...

  • Umbrella

    To dream of an umbrella represents protection, to maintain guarantees in the things that you make or to be about avoiding errors or problems...

  • Umpire

    To dream of an umpire insinuates alert or recall of an error, of a ticket, of sue or of an appointment to courts...

  • Uncle

    To dream of an uncle means to stand out family qualities and rights obtained when being born under the education of good and workers relatives...

  • Unconscious

    Dreaming of being unconscious is predicted the loss of the control of your actions in your labor life...

  • Undead

    To dream of an undead or zombie insinuates that you can be tormented with old ideas that are useless today...

  • Under Age

    To dream of an underage represents the possibility to make a serious lack of behavior or to possess a harmful addiction for the health...

  • Undercover

    To dream of an undercover walking down the street means fears, limitations or rejection to know your private life...

  • Underground

    Dreaming of isolated underground being omens that your slowness can give place largely to losses of opportunities and desires yearned...

  • Understudy

    An understudy in a school, in a play of theater or in a space flight manifested in a dream it represents an opportunity or possibility unique of materializing the desires to be what wants in the life...

  • Undertaker

    To dream of a undertaker means a great necessity, a big pressure on your things, fear to something or desires of taking the control of your responsibilities...

  • Undertow

    To dream of an undertow powerful of sea is an alarm or a warning that you can be involved in some matters that will drag it to a problem...

  • Underwater

    The great thing of a dream is that you can enjoy the sensation to be underwater of the sea in any place of the tropics...

  • Underwear

    To dream of the underwear represents a condition that has constituted a loss of the reverence and the respect for yourself...

  • Undress

    To dream of undress means to break up outlines or rules with a valiant and not very common action where it expels all that is hypocrisy...

  • Unemployed

    Dreaming of an unemployed is omened urgent checkup above all to your accounting and quick consultation to your lawyer problem...

  • Unfortunate

    Dreaming of an unfortunate person is represented the proximity of an unpleasant moment or the loss of an opportunity to reach something...

  • Unhappy

    Dreaming of an unhappy person is represented the acceptance and recovery of difficulties and disillusions in the life...

  • Unibrow

    To dream of an unibrow indicates connection with the fashion, desire to be made feel in public and obtaining of a recognition for personal merits...

  • Unicorn

    To dream of an unicorn personalizes the physical strength that you are able to generate before a difficult family situation...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 58

U Letter, U-Turn, UFO, Ugliness, Ugly, Ukraine, Ukrainian People, Ulcer, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Test, Umbilical Cord, Umbrella, Umpire, Uncle, Unconscious, Undead, Under Age, Undercover, Underground, Understudy, Undertaker, Undertow, Underwater, Underwear, Undress, Unemployed, Unfortunate, Unhappy, Unibrow, Unicorn, Dreams Meanings Starting with U

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.