Dreams Meanings Symbols between Pentagram and Pharaoh

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Pentagram

    To dream of a pentagram symbolizes magic, enchantment or a space related with the spiritual content in the earth, the air, the fire and the water...

  • Penthouse

    To dream of a penthouse could point out a great economic ascent very near or to obtain a good employment in some days...

  • Peony

    To dream of a peony symbolizes very prepared plans from the present to the future by means of the planning and detailed notes...

  • People

    To dream of people walking down the street means desires to share in a party with your closer friends...

  • Pepper

    To dream of the pepper suggests necessity to make happy, to change or to satisfy the daily life and to eliminate behaviors very closed...

  • Peppermint

    To dream of a peppermint represents freedom of your personality or feeling of security before a conflict or problem...

  • Percolator

    To dream of a new percolator is means that you are a professional expert in business and sports due to your results...

  • Perfume

    To dream of to dew or to take perfume symbolizes spiritual elevation, necessity of to satisfy the senses or to make more pleasant the life...

  • Period

    To dream of the period or to be on the menstruation represents a challenge, a problem or a situation of the life that it requires of attention...

  • Periodic Table

    To dream of the periodic table represents the diverse premonitions but sages that you need to dominate to take the best thing possible your life according to the world in that you live...

  • Perm

    To make the perm of the hair during a dream means a fact that it will be able to transform or to change the lifestyle totally...

  • Permanent Markers

    Dream that left an permanent marker or somebody cleared out uncovered, it implies that we are missing something that is identified with the shading (in light of the fact that in the event that we leave a down revealed by distraction or on the grounds that we miss the cover will bring about the down to dry and no more serves)...

  • Permission

    To dream of a permission of type written or oral it represents the arrival of an easiness to your life that it will give you power of decision about something or freedom of movement in a business...

  • Permission Slip

    To dream of a permission slip (of school) represents approval or disapproval of goals that you are wanted to reach...

  • Perpetual Motion

    To dream of the perpetual motion of a dance means the thread of the life, the one on the way to the truth or the path of the opportunities...

  • Persecution

    To dream of the persecution represents fears, feelings of inferiority, to carry out inopportune actions or to give small changes in your behavior current...

  • Personal Space

    Dreaming of your personal space in the work office is omened the approval of the financing requested to the bank for the computer modernization of your company...

  • Perspective

    Dreaming of a perspective of life the realization of your ideas is omened in a near future without setbacks...

  • Perspire

    To dream of the function of perspire of the plants means that it should be attentive to your physical resistance in these days...

  • Pet Food

    Free online dream interpretation of Pet Food. Understand the meaning of Pet Food in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Pet Food dream.

  • Pet Store

    To dream of a pet store means the love simplest and complete to the nature and their master piece creative...

  • Petals

    To dream of petals represents recognition to something important, a broken relationship or the fight with a friend as well as something that is delicate and it should take care with love...

  • Peter Pan

    To dream of Peter Pan could reflect nostalgia of your past or your premonitions positive about your children or of yourself...

  • Petition

    To dream of a petition from a person to another it means to be reader to make a very important change in your life...

  • Pets

    To dream of pets walking for the sidewalk of your house means the arrival of somebody very close from far...

  • Petticoat

    To dream of a petticoat means moderation and care with loving affairs spontaneous and without protection...

  • Pew

    Dreaming of a pew is represented the frankness of an approach or the receptivity to an advice, being both the faces of a coin...

  • Pewter

    To dream of the pewter in objects of kitchen or of utensils it indicates a preference so much for the appearances, the falsehoods or the not very real things in the objects or actions humans...

  • Phantom

    Dreaming of a ghost is omened question, control and disapproval to your plan of life...

  • Pharaoh

    To dream of a Pharaoh represents last power, beginning of a recessive stage or arrival of moments almost magic, strange or exotic...

Dreams 151 - 180 of 475

Pentagram, Penthouse, Peony, People, Pepper, Peppermint, Percolator, Perfume, Period, Periodic Table, Perm, Permanent Markers, Permission, Permission Slip, Perpetual Motion, Persecution, Personal Space, Perspective, Perspire, Pet Food, Pet Store, Petals, Peter Pan, Petition, Pets, Petticoat, Pew, Pewter, Phantom, Pharaoh, Dreams Meanings Starting with P

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.