Dreams Meanings Starting with P

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  • P Letter

    The P letter in a dream means to make all the possible or to allow actions and objectives that allow to give to be able to people...

  • P.A. System (Public Announcement)

    To dream of a public announcement represents the necessity of enjoyment and happiness in your life, after a great stress in your work...

  • Pacifier

    Dreaming of a pacifier is predicted of a well-known person that will come closer to express your ideas for a better world...

  • Pacify

    Dreaming of pacify somebody is represented the personal effort of maintaining your generosity before a thing or person unpleasant or not wanted...

  • Package

    To dream of a package means lingering trip, stability in the action that is presented and security in the long term commitments...

  • Packages

    To dream of packages means a desire to solve or recognition to an effort carried out in an area of your life...

  • Packing

    Dreaming of a packing of wood seeks advice care and protection of all that is fragile and valuable in your patrimony...

  • Paddle

    To dream of a paddle represents ability to persevere or to cross an uncertain situation that you will know little by little...

  • Paddle Boats

    To dream of paddle boats represents the confrontation with an uncertain situation or negative that you will solve stupendously...

  • Paddleboat

    To dream of a paddleboat represents to begin a new life, to develop an opportunity or to persevere before difficulties to achieve your desires...

  • Paddling

    Dreaming of being paddling inside a canoe is represented the arrival or the escape of an uncertain or indefinite situation...

  • Pagan

    To dream of a pagan demonstrates the necessity to use the time in the nature and to reinforce your connection with the earth, with what feels but don't leave...

  • Page

    To dream of the page of a book represents a moment of exchange and knowledge wide and specify in your life that it will allow you to pick up beneficial fruits...

  • Pageant

    Dreaming of a pageant is omened for your life solution of your material and spiritual necessities starting from an accidental visit from a friend to your house...

  • Pager

    To dream of a pager predicts difficulties or not very pleasant news on an individual, an event or a conflict...

  • Pagoda

    To dream of a pagoda predicts a brief and wonderful trip in the future, the arrival of a lot of peace and tranquility or a moment of growth spiritual...

  • Pail

    To dream of a pail demonstrates the necessity of the saving for a better life and the obtaining of all your goals and desires in a near future...

  • Pain

    To dream of a column pain means that you have made an erroneous decision that you won't bring good consequences in the advances...

  • Paint

    Dreaming of yellow paint is omened the necessity that has of being reflexive before complicated situations...

  • Paintball

    To dream of participating in a game of paintball can wake up the adrenaline fundamentally in body, the strategic abilities and the technician-tactical thought...

  • Paintbrush

    To dream of a paintbrush indicates inclination to the occupations, sensibility artistic and high detail when carrying out your daily tasks...

  • Painting

    To dream of buying a white painting to paint your house means very near success in your activities...

  • Pairs

    To dream of seeing some pairs of things materials very simple suggests continuous changes, the coexistence of the fair thing and the unjust thing, of the little enjoyment of your free time or of your vacations...

  • Pajamas

    To dream of a pajamas indicates a necessity to relax you of the hard work daily or to take advantage well of the free time available...

  • Pakistani People

    To dream of the Pakistani people means the aspects of your personality that are very sensitive to the topics of faith, religiosity or respect to the fellow-being...

  • Palace

    To dream of a palace means fame and fortune, true abilities and ascent of their potentialities totally...

  • Pale

    To dream of a pale color means simplicity, ingenuousness, naturalness and innocence in your acts of good will...

  • Pall

    To dream of a pall means protection, care and development of good ideas with high creativity without hiding the limitations...

  • Pallbearer

    To dream of a pallbearer represents the capacity to take away from the provocation, of the fear and of the unpleasant thing...

  • Pallet

    To dream that you are loading a pallet symbolizes separation or displeasure among lovers, to solve something good for the family or warning of a local storm...

Dreams 1 - 30 of 475

P Letter, P.A. System (Public Announcement), Pacifier, Pacify, Package, Packages, Packing, Paddle, Paddle Boats, Paddleboat, Paddling, Pagan, Page, Pageant, Pager, Pagoda, Pail, Pain, Paint, Paintball, Paintbrush, Painting, Pairs, Pajamas, Pakistani People, Palace, Pale, Pall, Pallbearer, Pallet, Dreams Meanings Starting with P

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.