Dreams Meanings Symbols between Plum and Pole Vaulting

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Plum

    A plum in a dream means youth, forces and vigor that you will enjoy while maintains a good quality of life...

  • Plumber

    Dreaming of a plumber is omened a conflict or a complicated decision that it will be studied by your lawyer...

  • Plumbing

    Dreaming of broken or damaged plumbing of a family building is omened fights, bad experts and until violence in a near conversation...

  • Plums

    To dream of the plums represents the good and visible premonition that will be perfect well for you and of yours...

  • Plunger

    To dream of a plunger already represents your intent of to improve a matter or to obtain the progress by means of the modernization of something existent...

  • Pluto

    To dream of Pluto is an omen of happiness, prosperity or even in joke very healthy and nice with another person...

  • Plywood

    To dream of the wood plywood represents complexity of conflict next, diverse stages of a personal successful project or the necessary preparation for a radical change in the life...

  • Pneumonia

    To dream of the pneumonia represents a complicated situation where you don't feel well or it feels fear for the personal health or of some friend...

  • Pocket

    To dream of a pocket means talent, creativity and abilities abundant that should be developed by your own resources...

  • Pocket knives

    To dream of pocket knives insinuates that a group of friends that they live very far will come to you to show its true feelings towards you and your family...

  • Pocketknife

    To dream of a pocketknife represents alert, trust and advice for you before accidental and insecure situations...

  • Pockets

    Dreaming of the pockets of your shirt is omened tranquility and peace at family level in spite of all the difficulties...

  • Podium

    To dream of a podium represents power of convincing, collaboration and back with all security...

  • Poet

    To dream of a poet means an aspect of your personality that possesses a high creative inspiration as well as a high idealism...

  • Poetry

    To dream of poetry means the idealism and the inspiration, the love and the understanding of the best thing of the life or what makes you happy...

  • Pogo Stick

    To dream with pogo stick, it generally symbolizes your scattered emotions...

  • Point

    To see or to hear a point in a dream means an action or maneuver that it will happen in an urgent way for the termination of something...

  • Pointing

    Dreaming of pointing to another person is omened lack of honesty and false expectations it has more than enough very important matters...

  • Poison

    To dream of a poison expresses division, loss of power, proclaims suicide or vengeance frequently...

  • Poison Control

    To dream of a poison control means feelings of restlessness, uneasiness, to weigh or to feel that something is lost forever...

  • Poison Ivy

    To dream of poison ivy means to sentiments about circumstances being dangerous to the point that you don't hazard drawing near to them by any stretch of the imagination...

  • Poison Oak

    To dream of the poison oak could represent threat premonitions or attacks against you or against another person...

  • Poker

    Dreaming of playing poker is represented objectives or intensions that have a great force to be achieved honestly...

  • Poker Chips

    To dream of poker chips symbolizes the influence, the force or the resources that you possess without fearing a risk while you don't lie or make fun of somebody...

  • Poland

    To dream of Poland represents Catholic faith, passion for the music and their loving letters amid a desire of being free and sovereign...

  • Polar Bear

    To see a polar bear in a dream means strength and fights to survive of a long wait or of a difficult situation...

  • Polar Bears

    To dream of polar bears represents a moment of tension or conflict very harrowing or violent that will happen very soon...

  • Pole

    Dreaming of a pole behind the door of your house it omens the visit from an international executive to your office to request you advice and consultant ship to carry out an important investment in your business...

  • Pole Dancing

    To dream that you are pole dancing symbolizes your sexual outflow...

  • Pole Vaulting

    To dream of a pole vaulting represents to try overcoming some unpleasant moment or a matter of character sexual private...

Dreams 301 - 330 of 475

Plum, Plumber, Plumbing, Plums, Plunger, Pluto, Plywood, Pneumonia, Pocket, Pocket knives, Pocketknife, Pockets, Podium, Poet, Poetry, Pogo Stick, Point, Pointing, Poison, Poison Control, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poker, Poker Chips, Poland, Polar Bear, Polar Bears, Pole, Pole Dancing, Pole Vaulting, Dreams Meanings Starting with P

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.