Dreams Meanings Symbols between Independent and Insecticide

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Independent

    Dreaming of being an independent person your strong sentimental relationship is predicted at the moment with the colleagues and partners in your company...

  • India

    To dream of the culture of the India means the educational wealth and traditions conserved in your family for a lifetime...

  • Indian

    Dreaming of an Indian is represented the proximity of you to habits, customs, religions and even spices of Hindustan...

  • Indian People (India)

    To dream of the Indian people represents peace and spiritual growth, love, song and it dances to the life and the nature...

  • Indifferent

    To dream of an indifferent person is means that you will have friendships and very pleasant but not very durable social relationships...

  • Indigestion

    An indigestion suffered in a dream represents an unfavorable atmosphere that will affect you shortly, a night bad digestion or something that you don't assimilate in your work or in your family...

  • Indigo

    To dream of the indigo color as color demonstrates their tendency to the mystic thing, to the mental clarity, to the prophecy of the positive and creative in favor of family and friends for the benefit of all people...

  • Industrial

    To dream of the industrial represents human creation, devise singular and physical collective work generally...

  • Infants

    Dreaming of beautiful and pretty infants is omened sign of happiness in the soul and it insinuates that you want to give and to receive affection with family and friends...

  • Infection

    The element that characterizes an infection in a dream is the possible development of a lesion, affectation or damage in some personal matter...

  • Infertility

    To dream of the infertility of a person or an animal demonstrates the lack of results of a well punished action or the little ingeniousness of a person in an important place...

  • Infestation

    To be an infestation during a dream it can denounce some irreversible situation in matters of health or of finances...

  • Infidelity

    Dreaming of the infidelity is represented an inappropriate interaction in familiar matters of businesses or of work...

  • Infinity

    To dream of the infinity represents the future and the many challenges that you will present in very little time...

  • Inflate

    Inflate you in a dream represents the accumulation of external influences, the limitations of not meditated actions or a bad quality of life...

  • Infomercial

    To dream of an infomercial it represents a planning or an organization that it will demand to you to attempt the persuasion of an important person...

  • Inhaling

    To be inhaling in a dream means to accept the knowledge and influences positive and external that you will receive in a way little common...

  • Inheritance

    To dream of an inheritance symbolizes the victory or the obtaining of something that will allow your aspirations or your purposes in the life or dharma...

  • Initials

    A dream about some initials in a garment of clothes or of bed it could represent a simplification of a necessary action, something annoying or a concept of work not wanted...

  • Initiation

    An initiation in a dream could represent that you should make changes in your daily routine to improve in quality of life...

  • Injection

    To dream that you take an injection symbolizes concern with the personal health, necessity to recover your vitality and creativity in a quick and convincing way...

  • Injury

    To dream about an injury in your legs after a great accident omens nostalgia of the past and memoirs of the particular life...

  • Ink

    To dream of a pommel of Chinese ink represents that you should put a day the domestic matters as the property of your house...

  • Inn

    To dream of an inn means protection, care and provides what is needed to be a prosperous and happy person of having what wants...

  • Inner Tube

    A dream with an inner tube indicates the path to take with the appearance of something not common or miss that it exists but that it is not very visible...

  • Inquisition

    To see an act of repression or it tortures of the inquisition it means the arrival of a complex, difficult or depressing moment that could change totally your life...

  • Insanity

    To dream of the insanity symbolizes an escape of the reality, the vicinity of some matter without objective, an expression of insecurity or of not having cleared the end of your life...

  • Inscription

    To dream of an inscription means basic moral principle, you devise it guides or symbol of something or somebody...

  • Insect

    Dreaming of an insect in your face is omened to stay attentive to avoid lies or hidden truths with your children...

  • Insecticide

    To see or to use an insecticide in a dream means to get rid of illnesses, prejudices and doubts that affect your ideas or desires...

Dreams 61 - 90 of 142

Independent, India, Indian, Indian People (India), Indifferent, Indigestion, Indigo, Industrial, Infants, Infection, Infertility, Infestation, Infidelity, Infinity, Inflate, Infomercial, Inhaling, Inheritance, Initials, Initiation, Injection, Injury, Ink, Inn, Inner Tube, Inquisition, Insanity, Inscription, Insect, Insecticide, Dreams Meanings Starting with I

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.