To dream of the industrial represents human creation, devise singular and physical collective work generally. However, the industrial symbolizes a combination of the individual and the collective, of neuron and muscle, of appropriation and justice, of right and left. Hence, if you dream of the industrial and the concerns that accompany it as strikers and strikebreakers you will decide if it serves to God or the money (Matthew 6, 24) today and later you will take the necessary and difficult step in your company tomorrow. Dreaming of the industrial and the concerns that accompany it like work of blue-collar and work of white-collar is advised you to recapture the wisdom of Carnegie and Otis, Edison and Tesla, of Jobs and Gates to improve everything and everybody in the life.
In the industrial the negative is when that created takes away from the humankind or it destroys it. The industrial contains the alpha and omega to the man. Then, you forgive and rejoice during your work.
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