Dreams Meanings Symbols between Fortune Telling and Friend

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Fortune Telling

    To dream that you are fortune telling it represents the feelings of fear, concern or uncertainty that it has your person at the moment...

  • Forty

    To dream of the number forty means proximity and influence of mystic moments related with the cultures Jewish, christens and Muslim...

  • Forty Four

    To dream of the number forty four represents an alliance, recognition or the acceptance of a person like a baby's godfather or pattern of a ship or vehicle that it is possessed...

  • Fossils

    To dream of the fossils represents their knowledge of something that happened a long time ago and that it was an important event for their life...

  • Found

    Dreaming of it has found something lost in your home it represents a new opportunity in a purchase or an unexpected change in your family...

  • Foundation

    Free online dream interpretation of Foundation. Understand the meaning of Foundation in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Foundation dream.

  • Four

    To dream of the four in the philosophy means the origin of the universe and all that surrounds us, is everywhere, and you appears a lot in your daily life more than what even realizes...

  • Fourteen

    To dream of the fourteen as number represents your desire to stay fair in your decisions with all the people and with a personal permanent temperance...

  • Fowl

    To dream of a corral fowl means escape, fear, and quick solution of a matter or problem that it could fix or to deny some reality of the current world...

  • Fox

    A fox in a dream is a sign of action of depredation, of astute behavior or deceiving attitude with somebody...

  • Foxes

    Dreaming of foxes is noticed from a deceit to your person for somebody of a lot of trust and near...

  • France

    To dream of France represents the arrival of a moment of freedom and full creation among well-known or family people...

  • Frankenstein

    To dream of Frankenstein represents a space of your life that you regret to give or to lose for a debt or complex situation of your economy...

  • Fraternity

    To dream of a fraternity represents the materialization of a fact of alliance, companionship or of personal growth among friends...

  • Fraud

    Dreaming of a fraud it omens lie, falsehood and simulation in a matter of your business that should solve immediately...

  • Fraud Department

    Dreaming of a fraud department is omened conflict, problem or situation to solve soon...

  • Freckles

    Dreaming of freckles in the face of a boy is alerted that you can stay tensed and stressed during a vital moment to repair your daily fatigue...

  • Freezer

    To dream of a freezer represents the ideas or the situations detained in the time for a fair reason totally...

  • Freighter

    Dreaming of a very heavy freighter is omened the necessity of a radical change in your life to be elaborate of obligations, commitments and problems...

  • French

    To speak French in a dream represents a way of thinking, a feeling or an attitude that it can be identified by your concern and integrity...

  • French Fries

    To dream of the French fries represent the arrival of not very creative or frivolous ideas, of little originality and importance for a state of fatigue or of strong stress...

  • French Kiss

    To dream that you enjoy a French kiss suggests necessity to complete or to elevate your carnal or intimate necessities...

  • French Kissing

    To dream with French kissing proposes that you have to express feelings in a more fair manner...

  • French People

    To dream of the French people expressed the aspects of your personality linked with the good menu, with the cultural sensibility and for the enjoyment of the wines of quality...

  • French Toast

    Dreaming of a French toast that is very cooked with cheese you will be able to confirm the satisfaction with the current life that takes you...

  • Friend

    To dream of friend suggests security in the parts considered as such and not to maintain anything hidden for all those that you want as almost siblings...

Dreams 211 - 236 of 236

Fortune Telling, Forty, Forty Four, Fossils, Found, Foundation, Four, Fourteen, Fowl, Fox, Foxes, France, Frankenstein, Fraternity, Fraud, Fraud Department, Freckles, Freezer, Freighter, French, French Fries, French Kiss, French Kissing, French People, French Toast, Friend, Dreams Meanings Starting with F

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.