Dreams Meanings Symbols between Family Tree and February
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Family Tree
To dream of a family tree means that you will be extremely resplendent with family care or look for joy outside their own spaces...
To dream of the famine that happens in a remote place means a necessity of total change or the complete transformation of the issues of your company...
To dream of the famish means shortage of basic foods that causes shortage and widespread misery or appetite and desire of something...
Dreaming of being famous will analyze where it is improving or demonstrating a bigger domain in your work to reach achievements in smaller time...
To dream of a fan means the arrival of somebody very cheerful, optimist and some unworried to the family or the circle of friends...
To dream of fangs suggests the vicinity of something that causes pain, nuisance or damage when playing or to consume a food or something very wanted...
To dream of the fantasy and their magic world indicates a strong desire to take or to acquire something of its beautiful, full and wonderful space...
To dream of a message that arrives from a far means to make contact with the conscience, to lift the sense of the intuition and to maintain the private or family matters secretly...
A farewell in a dream represents an omen of nostalgia or sadness for a last moment of your personal life...
To dream of a farm indicates that you should be occupied in charge of in matters of your interest or to cultivate your strengths to carry out the best in all opportunity that is presented to you...
To dream of being a farmer represents a warning of a new work that needs of your ability, of your creativity or of your ideas always new...
Dreaming of a farsighted is predicted positive or negative transformations in a certain situation...
To dream of being farting represents a too hostile situation or to be very careless toward other people in your private matters...
Fast Food
Dreaming about fast food projects a positive sense when it accompany of an illuminated and clean local; it represent a solution in short time to an uncomfortable and necessary situation...
Fast Forward
To dream of the fast forward of images or sounds represent impatience, insecurity or to change the existent situation positively...
Dreaming of a fat is suggested to improve the quality of the foods that you consume, to take care of your health or to denounce a period of prosperity and abundance...
To dream of a hard-working father means the protection of personal matters, affections and relatives smaller than age, according with your social position...
Father's Day
Free online dream interpretation of Father's Day. Understand the meaning of Father's Day in your dreams. Using dream interpretation to explore Father's Day dream.
To dream of the father-in-law denounces the arrival of moments or encounters happy with partners and relatives very near to you...
To dream of a fatigue means exhaustion, weakness and impotence before very important private matters in your labor life...
To dream of a faucet or water valve represents to close or to open a dialogue between two people or parts in confrontation in a simple and civilized way...
To dream of a favor that you enjoy means that you will have enough space to place or to organize your things or enough time to make your family obligations...
To dream of a fawn makes reference to the speed of solving an important matter...
Fax Machine
To dream of using a fax machine suggests the arrival to you of a message or a warning that it could change your things or your life in some days...
To Dream of F...
To dream of the fear represents a confrontation or a strong and intense fight that it will develop to reach something very wanted...
To dream of a feast demonstrates the requirements, feelings and desires that it will demand you a person or a work for obtain of succeed or victory total...
Dreaming of a white feather on your bed is omened a possible family discussion due to your intolerance to maintain mascots inside your house...
To dream of a feather symbolizes persuasion or your potential...
To dream of the month of February and their necessities represents to maintain the warm house, the full pantry and to protect the matters of health, employment and private up-to-date...
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