Dreams Meanings Symbols between Caramel and Cartoons

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Caramel

    To dream of the caramel suggests that there is an idyllic situation in your life that something very obliging or stimulant is about to make you feel as flying or ecstasy...

  • Caravan

    To dream of a caravan represents necessity to work in group to achieve a goal or desire of being involved in a risky adventure but with high benefits...

  • Carburetor

    To dream of a carburetor represents to combine love and power, to mix friendship and human support...

  • Carcass

    To dream of a carcass means the termination of something in your life or something that planned during a lot of time and not to conclude it...

  • Cardboard

    To dream of the cardboard of a box of foods demonstrates a concern, a moderation to recover the lost time or to recycle the waste of the human consumption...

  • Cardinal

    Dreaming of a cardinal is omened a high honorary title that will receive in these days for the work of your life in well of your community...

  • Cardinals

    To dream of cardinals means a beautiful and creative situation in your life where you are enjoying and improving everything...

  • Cards

    Dreaming of cards of greeting to colors is suggested to improve your matters when planning your free time, to make physical exercises and to elevate the quality of your foods...

  • Career

    To dream of a career of letters means loving connection with the couple, your desire to carry out complicated culinary tasks or recognition obtaining for the quality of your daily work...

  • Caretaker

    To dream that you work as a caretaker in a school represents to maintain good character and ideas in all moment; likewise, it suggests to protect personal matters, affections and family minors, conformity with your social position and to take care your home, family and economic personal growth...

  • Caribbean

    To dream of the Caribbean speaks to an outlook that is centered with flawless satisfaction just as it were typical...

  • Caring

    Dreaming of take caring of your eyes is omened evolution or sudden change and full with opportunities in your business that should take advantage...

  • Carjack

    To dream of a carjack in the street at noon suggests lost of your trust, fear in the face of the life, uncontrollability in your documents and ignorance of your operating cost...

  • Carjacked

    To dream of the carjacked represents necessity of the unit in the face of problems or decisions, expression of nostalgia for the absentees or deceased and in smaller measure conflict warning or question...

  • Carnation

    To dream of a carnation represents the identification of a personality very relaxed and cleans linked to the solidarity and the collaboration...

  • Carnelian

    To dream a carnelian in your dream means energy, desire, sexuality, or matters of the heart...

  • Carnival

    Dreaming of a carnival is omened happiness and enthusiasm to confront situations complicated in your company in a future...

  • Caroling

    To dream of to be caroling indicates the desire or the nostalgia for a pleasant and personal very dear company...

  • Carom Board

    Dreaming of a carom board is insinuated to constantly contact and without rest with everything that they brings you victories or successes...

  • Carousel

    To dream of a carousel means charming contemplations or circumstances that continue rehashing...

  • Carp

    To dream of carps inside a pail suggests that you should be humbler and more respectful of the actions and people's approaches...

  • Carpenter

    To dream of a carpenter suggests that you will fix all your difficulties with simplicity and permanent modesty...

  • Carpet

    To dream of a carpet means wonderful work offer that will allow you to arrive to personal objectives and to acquire more managerial wisdom...

  • Carriage

    To dream of a carriage symbolizes the comfort or the positive experience of a future situation not except of gigantic efforts...

  • Carrot

    To dream of a carrot represents wealth and prosperity, strength and health or power of showing convincingly...

  • Carrots

    To dream of carrots represents situation or habits of trust that guarantee big actions or tasks that are carried out for the benefit of somebody or of all the people...

  • Carry

    Dreaming of being carry a person is expressed that something will change or it will be transformed by the force of a desire or of a necessity...

  • Cars

    Often, to dream of cars means the desire to enjoy a place, moment or feel that it will offer you comfort or pleasure...

  • Cartoon

    Dreaming of a cartoon that copy your real life is represented the proximity of a very thorny period for you...

  • Cartoons

    To dream of cartoons represents situations serious and complex in the life or situations difficult and stranger that could convert to you in a loser...

Dreams 91 - 120 of 607

Caramel, Caravan, Carburetor, Carcass, Cardboard, Cardinal, Cardinals, Cards, Career, Caretaker, Caribbean, Caring, Carjack, Carjacked, Carnation, Carnelian, Carnival, Caroling, Carom Board, Carousel, Carp, Carpenter, Carpet, Carriage, Carrot, Carrots, Carry, Cars, Cartoon, Cartoons, Dreams Meanings Starting with C

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.