Croissant Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Croissant Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Croissant Dream Meaning:

Dreaming of a croissant is indicated to heal or to cover all lack of affection, warmth or love for personal limitations in your current life. A croissant means a hole that it waits to be filled in a total and absolute way. If you dream of a croissant recently baked and served in a breakfast you will enjoy an incredible weekend with a person that will heal your affective wounds. To dream of a croissant that is shown in a pastry shop it omens a personal difficulty not solved by lack of will or decision.

In fact, the dream about a croissant will always warn from necessary absences to fill to live in peace and with a physical and mental good health. It is a premonition that stimulates to meditate about the importance of the tolerance, the determination and the love between the human beings.

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Croissant Dreams

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