Dreams Meanings Symbols between Backyard and Balloons

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Backyard

    To dream of a backyard remembers your youth's disagreements or some happened between you and your couple but that it is always solved with the excuse and the opportune pardon...

  • Bacon

    To dream of the bacon can represent the vicinity of a pleasant activity, of the abundance or of something protector for your matters...

  • Bad

    Dreaming of something bad it is omened that it should strengthen your interior to control your possible doubts or low self-esteem during your state of daily conscience...

  • Bad Breath

    To dream of the bad breath demonstrates a fear of the intimacy or to get something difficult with a special or very kind person...

  • Badge

    One a badge symbolizes the personal power of somebody that is to the control of a group of people...

  • Badger

    Dreaming of a badger in the garden of your house it omens that you will benefit of a family inheritance in some months...

  • Badgers

    To see badgers in a dream means the search and the obtaining of something valuable or the will of being constant and resolved to achieve your desires or objectives...

  • Badminton

    To see badminton game in your dream generates force, independence and anxiety...

  • Bag

    Dreaming of the bag of a woman is omened the arrival of a financial help, an unexpected and valuable visit or the approval of a scholarship yearned from a distant place...

  • Bagel

    A dream in which you see or eat a bagel it is a sign of necessity or lack of something essential, as well as of not satisfied desires including the carnal...

  • Baggage

    A dream where you see or take a baggage it means a trip, an adventure or a very distant task in the space but near in the time...

  • Bagpipe

    To dream of a bagpipe means to take a situation that is adapted to your likes or desires or to express something openly without fear some...

  • Bagpipes

    To dream of bagpipes in an important anniversary means that you have an adventurous spirit that should develop right here and right now...

  • Bail

    To dream of the bail of a contract means that you need to revise the documents about your properties or to upgrade some pending detail...

  • Bailiff

    To dream of a bailiff means that your perseverance and dedication will stimulate your financial state what it will increase incomes and bank savings...

  • Bait

    To dream of fishing bait means fraternity, good presage, the arrival of a new friendship and recognition to your attitude...

  • Bake House

    A dream that centers its attention in a bakerhouse predicts pleasures, likes or desires that will be satisfied after happening some difficulties...

  • Bakery

    To dream of a bakery it points out the opulence and the achievement, the love and the peace, the body and the delivery from the prosperity to all the people...

  • Baking

    To dream of a baking suggests that you possess enough talents to reach the success, the desire or the inventive wanted during years...

  • Balance

    To dream of the balance of a trapeze artist represents the necessity to concentrate or to think well during all situation that happens around to you...

  • Balance Beam

    To dream of a balance beam of an international competition means force, agility and elegance daily in the practice of sports...

  • Balcony

    To dream of a balcony symbolizes the necessity to see, to analyze, to observe and to recognize something unknown and useful...

  • Bald

    A bald in a dream means the lost of the personal trust toward a person or the adoption of an appropriate behavior with the worry of a relative or a friend...

  • Balding

    Dreaming of a balding man is omened that it will owe check your decisions because it is possible that you have to accept a made error...

  • Ball

    Dreaming with round ball may speak to completion, symmetry and versatility...

  • Ballerina

    To dream of a ballerina of classic ballet means the obtaining of something valuable but later to a great sacrifice...

  • Ballet

    Dreaming of a ballet function seeks advice to invite your couple to enjoy an elegant night center of their city...

  • Ballet Shoes

    Dreaming of ballet shoes is omened that you are an expert player in business and sports...

  • Balloon

    To dream of a balloon represents to take the aspirations and the difficulties with force and will during a lifetime...

  • Balloons

    To dream of red balloons means the arrival of an important advertising support to market your business...

Dreams 31 - 60 of 543

Backyard, Bacon, Bad, Bad Breath, Badge, Badger, Badgers, Badminton, Bag, Bagel, Baggage, Bagpipe, Bagpipes, Bail, Bailiff, Bait, Bake House, Bakery, Baking, Balance, Balance Beam, Balcony, Bald, Balding, Ball, Ballerina, Ballet, Ballet Shoes, Balloon, Balloons, Dreams Meanings Starting with B

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.