Dreams Meanings Symbols between Astrology and Autism

Search meanings of Dreams

  • Astrology

    Dreaming of the astrology is expressed the proximity of forces very strong that they will be able to change your matters totally...

  • Astronaut

    To dream of an astronaut represents the arrival of an opportunity, of a change or of a situation that it will force to have the mind open and willing to offer ideas or suggestions novels...

  • Astronomer

    To dream of an astronomer represents the speculation on the future or the potential that the life keeps for a person...

  • Asylum

    To dream of a humanitarian asylum for people of under entrance it means that it should continue fighting with all your energy to achieve what wants...

  • Athlete

    To dream of an athlete is means that you feel the necessity to compete in all moment in your professional life...

  • Atlas

    Dreaming of the youth of the mythology Greek atlas condemned for Zeus to load on your shoulders the pillars that maintained the earth is omened a complicated but easy situation of solving at this time...

  • ATM Card

    To dream of an ATM card represents resources or abilities that you will have soon to disposition of your necessities...

  • ATM Machine

    To dream of an ATM machine represents the access to the power, to the money cash or the resources that you need...

  • Atomic Bomb

    To dream of an atomic bomb means that they approach important changes, like it can be a social change...

  • Attack

    Dreaming of an apoplexy attack is announcement of the fear of losing our goods, but we won't run serious risk...

  • Attacked

    To dream of being attacked means something that will benefit or it damaged very dear people by means of complex situations...

  • Attic

    To see an attic in your dream means that the familiar memories and personal have been recovered and taken care per years and never forgotten in a corner...

  • Attorney

    To dream of an attorney working during a judgment represents to want to obtain something for way legal but at a financial high cost...

  • ATV - All Terrain Vehicle

    To dream of an ATV (all-terrain vehicle) represents near adventure, challenge before markets and customers, election and ability in the taking of decisions...

  • Auction

    To dream of an auction of famous painters' picture means incredible events of love and money, always accompanied by dangers and tensions...

  • Audience

    To dream of the audience of a play means that it feels the necessity to transform your habits of life for a sure victory through wisdom and sacrifice...

  • Audition

    An audition symbolizes search, listen or detection of something very positive that it will give you big benefits...

  • Auditorium

    To dream of an auditorium represents an issue in your life that it carries out or it will carry out perfectly...

  • Auger

    To dream of an auger is a symbol of exertion and strife...

  • August

    Dreaming of August eighth month of the Gregorian calendar is omened glory and you’re linking with the characteristics of the signs Leo and Virgo in your personality...

  • Aunt

    Dreaming of an aunt is omened that you will receive a good advice that will guarantee you to always maintain your work...

  • Aunts

    To dream of the aunts means support, relationship and you help with a lot of love and affection...

  • Aura

    To dream of the aura around your person means a sign or premonition of how your present is and it will be your future if you observe with clarity a color very clear or brilliant...

  • Aurora Borealis

    The appearance of the aurora borealis in a dream symbolizes an event or matter that it will elevate your spiritual state, your self-esteem and the feelings of affection and love towards the members of your family, friends and colleagues...

  • Australia

    Dreaming of Australia is alerted of the arrival of good news that will take you for a while away from the work...

  • Australian People

    Dreaming of Australian people or your traditions is omened that you will have in your hands the commercial permission of wide possibilities you have always wanted...

  • Austrian People

    To dream of the Austrian people represents the resistance to the traditions, the rejection to an invitation to the theater or not to visit a Catholic church...

  • Author

    To dream of an author grateful represents occupation, reflection and full creativity during a lot of time...

  • Autism

    To dream of the autism that suffers a child or an adult person it represents a difficulty or a continuous illness that you should be managed carefully and a great attention...

Dreams 331 - 359 of 359

Astrology, Astronaut, Astronomer, Asylum, Athlete, Atlas, ATM Card, ATM Machine, Atomic Bomb, Attack, Attacked, Attic, Attorney, ATV - All Terrain Vehicle, Auction, Audience, Audition, Auditorium, Auger, August, Aunt, Aunts, Aura, Aurora Borealis, Australia, Australian People, Austrian People, Author, Autism, Dreams Meanings Starting with A

Dreams Meanings, Free Dreams Interpretation and Dream Meaning. Find out what your dreams mean with free dream interpretation. Discover the meanings to your dreams. Dream dictionary, we offer to our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations. Find out what your dreams mean. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. We provides a complete resource to help you analyze your dreams and find our their meaning.