Every wound or injury of which one dreams stands for injured feelings. If the dreaming himself is the cause of the wound, this of his aggression and his mistrust testifies. To dream of a wound is a symbol of distress, anger, and grief. You should consider which aspect of your life is in need of healing.
A wound symbolises an experience of the dreaming which he take note and from which he should learn.
A wound represents, a lesson which you need to learn, an unpleasant experience in the life of the dreamer. He has to understand and try to learn something from this experience.
Aggression and Inner Hurt dreaming of any wounds or injuries stand for injured feelings. If the dreamer himself is the cause of the wound, or if he is injuring himself in the dream, then this is evidence of his aggression and his distrust in waking life.
A scar calls the end of every worry.
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