Violets Dream - Interpretation and Meaning

Violets Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

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Violets Dream Meaning:

To dream of fresh violets means delight, pleasure, and next festivities. Dreaming of decoration violets in the room your house it omens recognitions to important or successful acting in the business and in the love. If you dream of violets sowed in the garden of your house you will enjoy a full and healthy sentimental life. If the violets are full with life and color in your dream will have incredible loving secrets soon.

Sumarity, if you dream of violets that have lost freshness or they are withered it means that you could receive some scornful or scornful attitude of people that you love or you admires. Nevertheless your scent in the dream denounces the arrival of an unexpected gift as a perfume of violets.

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Violets Dreams

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